Dear Support Team

I am d0t my Game nick we played <another game> from last 2 years and now its gone from facebook they shutdown <another game> there was many many clan and member there was clan with the name of -G- which have more then 300 member and others clan also have many many member all member are play game through facebook account
this was the game link still they have like page
well my point is we all looking for good game which can played through no need to download just click on facebook and played where have good rewards on ladders matches or competitions where have Clan ranking system where clan fight with other clan you guys are professional you know what i means if you guys unable crossfire like that i am sure you guys have good new player with good revenue or create new game same like crossfire but bit changes like name logo some maps some good graphic type etc i will bring all my friend on your game if i had positive response i have more then 50 active player which are waiting for good game and more then 1000 user right now search good game after <the other game> closed please i request you again help us all all benefit is just game with friend :) i ll give you all my support if you need i had 2 year experience on that game please reply and if you need i can bring all my friend on this topic far support how all we guys want have good game like this with Fb account play..!


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