Capture The Flag Game Mode.

This is just a suggestion maybe it would be nice to see it in the future. So I was thinking maybe we can have a mode like this.

How it works? There will be a flag that spawns on opposite side of each base depending on which team you are on, each team will need to get the flag back to each respective base which will grant at least 3 points to which ever team gets it back to there base first. It will be point based like 15 points and 30 point games. which is roughly just 5 and 10 captures. There will also be timed games like regular TDM and FFA 5, 8, 10, and 12 minutes, but the scene for 15 point and 30 point games will be based on rounds like SnD but you will also still be able to respawn. If in case of someone dying with the flag in there possession then the Flag will stay in that spot for 5 seconds before disappearing, If a team mate of the captured flag walks over the flag it will automatically go back to their spawn.

Maps? SnD/FFA maps.

Exp and GP? Like TDM to make the mode fun but balanced.

Think this could be probably implemented in the future with CF growing and All, but a mode like this would be fun to play.
