I'm leaving too.

I've left a few times in the past, but this time i doubt i will come back. Almost all my friends have quit CF and i'm losing interest fast due to the poor direction the game is going in.

For those CF/forum veterans who don't know, I am TryAgain]Oh / Oh? and a long long time before that i was known as saintNooby.

Some clans i have been in:

Pan[TH]erS (one of the original LTs in 2009)
HelloKitties (lead with saintphong, saintmalice, and others they went onto competitive sd)
Entropy ( Ive been in a few of JudgeSim clans, shoutout to him, driveboy, melanie, etc if they still play)
Noverca (with KoVa, BullZ, HaM, who went to ice9 EU team)
ChaosTheory/TryAgain (Lots of forumers were here once - I was the leader - Rush, 4Minute, Teddy, Veissman, NeoPro, .... Loads!)
Low Ranks / I <3 Zombies (Again leader, Again some cool people were in, Jannick/Monsta, Night, warhawk, Latinjerre etc)

Shoutouts to all those clans, and the people in them.


No flaming please, if you know me and want to chat, shoot me a PM. I'll most likely check my inbox for the next few days. I can give you my kik, whatsapp, or steam or something.
