Competitive at all ?

Hey there, just another old player who came back for a bit.

Has this game garnered any competitive scene at all ? When I played previously at the height of when people would of actually known me I played under names like Naihao and iTriX being my most known or SA FROST, I was not very good to be known by that many people but I know there were a few in the scene that would remember. played on really old teams like NRG and nBd, before I left to play AVA, some AVA players may know me as Trickz or IHIcKz .

I've found the game profoundly easy and I don't know if it's cause most public games are just disgraceful or if the competition is simply not that high, and wanted to know if there was still something like Echo-8 back in the day or whatever it was, a server where everyone went to scrim and such and players would pub there at times.

Hoping to get a response as I've actually been enjoying the nostalgia of playing cf, and just wanted to know if there was a scene to reconnect with any old friends if they are still around.