Evolution Gaming League NA #3 Match Id's

The Round and number signify the round that the match is played. The letter is the Match's letter on Challonge. Because of Challonge's new change to find your Match's letter just match the number to the corresponding letter, ex. A=1, B=2 and so on.

Bracket - http://challonge.com/evolutiongamingleaguena3

Match ID's

Round 1 Match ID's

Round1A - c39
Round1B - c40

Round 2 Match ID's

Round2C - c41
Round2D - c42
Round2E - c43
Round2F- c44

Semi-Final's Match ID's

Semi-FinalsG - c45
Semi-FinalsH - c46

Final's Match ID

FinalI - c47

If you have any questions please feel free to log on EGL's TeamSpeak or message me in game
