GM roaming?

Hi all,

I have been playing CF for many years now through several accounts. However, today I first encounter a troubling incident in HMX room. There is a GM miyuki inside the room. I didn't notice at first who he was. I couldn't see his name in the kicking list when I tried to kick him so I figured out who he really is. The reason I tried to kick him is because he has god mode on which mean me, as a captain cannot kill the mutant. Of course I was angry and ****ed since why is he here in the NA server ruining my game play. He then proceed to kick me out of server and threaten to banned my account for insulting a GM. But really?? I was trying to enjoy a game after a long day and have no intention of insulting everyone. SO, please stop going in public server and ruin my game. Thank you!


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