my screen?
i just changed my os from windows 7 to windows 8.1 pro
i tried to play CF for a round as a test, it works fine and great.
but after restarting the game, i just found it's in a window mode but in the game setting was fullscreen mode!
what should i do please?
i just changed my os from windows 7 to windows 8.1 pro
i tried to play CF for a round as a test, it works fine and great.
but after restarting the game, i just found it's in a window mode but in the game setting was fullscreen mode!
what should i do please?
The first thing you can do is to try changing the in-game settings to Windows Mode then back to Fullscreen. This might fix your problem.
If not then you can change the settings in your CrossFire folder. To do this, do the following:
1) Go to Documents/CrossFire.
2) Find the file called "system.dat"
3) Open it with notepad.
4) Change the following highlighted number to 0 in the image below:
This will make the game into full screen.
5) Start CrossFire and test if this works.
If it does not work, I suggest you send in a support ticket:
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