Kick Vote System - Supplies Boxes - Honor

1st of all : Kick Vote System ...
a-My opinion is to establish a credibility System beside honor system or instead of it (I will demonstrate later) so that anybody that kicks too much is considered a kicker and loses this service and even lose the right to vote for a while .. and this should be applied for the f11ers too , so the players who got the right to kick and vote are the players with moderate credibility (players that don't kick alot or approve everytime).

b-When some NOOBS join a game waiting for the round to finish , They Kick The ACE .. why would these goof headed morons have the right to kick when they haven't started playing yet , i know if u eliminated that they would kick from the beginning of the next round .. so if u can manage to make players can't kick for few rounds or players with lowest scores can't kick at all that would be great.

c-Players with high scores can't be kicked easily .. so the best thing to do is to make every player has a vote power depending on his credibility status , so players with low credibility can't add much if a high score player is being kicked especially the ACE , and i don't mean to give very high vote power to high credibility players i mean moderately high , on the other hand vote power of kickers and f11ers is weakened dramatically.

d-Whenever a player is being kicked an equation should be applied , this equation determines the ratio that makes the vote approved or denied .. so couple of things must be analyzed during voting time (the player's score and place 1st - second ..etc - which round or which portion of the game the kick is on (second half - last quarter of the game .. etc) - and most importantly how many rounds or how much time did he play in the game , because alot of kicks occurs in the last rounds or last seconds , for the ACE of course) .. so these things should rule in favor to the player and makes the approval harder , also The kicker's score and place should be considered ( if he is too low or beneath the player being kicked this makes the approval ratio harder or higher).
-- Example -- if the ACE is being kicked in the last portion of the game , the ratio that makes the kick approved must be more than 2 :1 approved , denied respectively , so when everyone vote , points of players who approved and denied are calculated according to everyone's vote power , and the ratio between point must be more than 2 :1 so the kick is approved , so f11ers won't affect much due to their weak vote power and if 2nd or 3rd player kicks will make the approval ratio even harder to get.

e-I know that Kick Vote System is a blessing , and it is based on democracy , and everyone has the right to vote equally .. but it just doesn't work out that way .. and most of the kickers are taking advantage of this service.

2nd Supply boxes ...
a-Pleeeeeease fix this .. everytime i'm firing at mutants and running backwards , the moment that i step on a supply box ... I am doomed unless it's a replenishment for the AMMO ... so please set a specific Key to use the box if a player needed it when he is standing over it.


b-Make all boxes replenish the AMMO (but that will make everyone run to the boxes) so send more boxes in alot of places not these standard places.

3rd Honor System ...
a-Desertion :from my experience and i think i'm speaking for most of the players -- I desert if (i get bored - playing with noobs - lagging - lost connection - CF cleint error -someone needs me or i have to leave for some reason - kicked) why would my honor get lowered if any of these reasons happened - noone leaves with intention of letting his teammates down especially in FFA and Mutation games , noone depends on anyone there , besides i have never played in a match when a team is depending on anyone of the players .. anyone can leave and anyone could come.

b-TeamKill : REALLY !! this only happened when i threw a bomb to the opponents territory .. it's not my fault that a teammate is there with very low Health , and of course i would never be able to see him and i would never mean to kill him -- So like u made the bomb very effective on the thrower or the opponent and not so much in teammates u can make the bomb has no effect on teammates like bullets - OR for the sake of reality make the bomb has even lower effect on teammates but don't make this downgrade my honor , i don't mean to throw a bomb on a teammate , and it's not a skill to aim the bomb at someone and not the one that standing next to him - nevertheless there is no aiming at all we just throw it on the opponent.


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