25 Signs You’ve Been On The CF Competitive Forum

Let me know what you think.

  1. You have bookmarked Z8Games.com in your browser
  2. You have multiple forum accounts
  3. You know who Tastylimes was
  4. Spend more time reading comments than actually playing
  5. You think scrims matter
  6. Tell players that use ZP weapons are scrubs
  7. Believe that female characters have smaller hitboxes
  8. Crucify anyone that uses armor
  9. Remember the WOGL days
  10. Knows Slaya real name
  11. Brags about winning 500 ZP
  12. Blames hit registry for losing
  13. Blames ping for losing
  14. Knows that Snoopy calls everyone a cheater
  15. Uses 800x600 resolution while using a 144hz monitor
  16. You idolize xFam0usx
  17. Think clanwars matter
  18. Trolls are about the only real interesting thing that goes on
  19. Waiting for Wizdom to have his moment to shine
  20. Has unintentionally seen Purvis in the nude
  21. Spend 2 hours each day warming up in Egypt TDM
  22. You feel insecure about yourself when you see photos of Beast
  23. Have an uncontrollable urge to check the forums every 5 minutes to see if someone is talking about you
  24. Uses the forums as the main way to report match info
  25. Make fun of someone else's appearence without showing an image of yourself
