Fix the game mechanics

Z8, i'll keep it short and simple.

Fix the game mechanics if you want the game to grow.

You know all this. It's easy to simply keep adding guns for profit, but it's not improving the game.

The game mechanics have literally been the same since the game started. Which is ridiculous.

I'll list two things off the top of my head, even though there's much more.
1. Fix mouse hz to read more than 125hz.

2. Fix registry.

Honestly, you can get easy cash from pumping out guns, but that cash is slowly decreasing, and will never increase so long as people are leaving the game because of the mechanics. 2.0 was marketed as this huge change, and there was literally nothing different, MM was added yet no one plays, it was literally imported from what was already created. The maps weren't created by you, it took some effort but nothing was invented or created that didn't already exist.

If it sounds like i'm frustrated it's because I am. Six years and I can't understand how so little can be accomplished, and I don't have anything against the GM's, or anyone, however I won't take any excuse for having so minimal improvements on the game during such a long time period. It's a ****ing slap in the face to people like me who have been playing for that long and see the same problems complained about and never addressed.