Master Sgt Class 2 Looking

Total Matches Played 868

Wins 518

Losses 332

Total Kills 19778

Death 10369

Exp. 211207

Headshots 7940

Team Kill 28

Desertion 114

Register Date 2009-03-03

Last Play Date 2010-01-14

I recently lefted my other clan because our leader was a crazy pms lady who didn't want us going to any other ventrilo, even if it was talking to old clan members who were not allowed to ventrilo because they were ** Not Part Of Our Clan ** yea ok
so she flipped sh8t and I said fine, I'll go else where
Im 17 years old, 18 in a few months
live in Canada
I shoot everything up on egypt Hate elimination but still do ok in it
S&D is my specialty because of my mysterious ways
and I love bullsh8tting back and fourth between clan mates and generally having a great time
