Rename "VIP"s

Could Z8 please rename the "VIP" Weapons to Hero Weapons? VIP makes no sense.

It would make more sense to call the "KUKRI VIP" Hero KUKRI or KUKRI Hero. (and I don't mean rename the VVIP Weapons, I'm just asking to change the VIP tab & name to HERO, you can still have the V tag by the players name."

It doesn't make you special because you own a "VIP" weapon. It doesn't mean you are "VIP" it means you own a VIP Weapon.

They make "VIP" Weapons sound like it makes you special and loyal to the game. I suggest renaming the VIP weapons to Hero and making an actual CFVIP Subscription thing.


  • I might be the only one think this, but.. I don't see why people would care if they have an "V" next to their ping or an "H" Just play the Game, it's just a term to describe a set of expensive weaponry.

    Needless to say, I COMPLETELY, ABSOLUTELY disagree with the whole Subscription notion. Don't even DARE to think about it. Just reading this in conjunction with CrossFire makes me shudder.
  • No offence your 'Hero' idea is not the worst thing anyone has suggested around here but I completely disagree in changing it because I actually think these VIP users are a bit "special" since if it were NOT for them this game would shutdown soon enough, as it wouldn't be making profit to survive/implement new content to us all. Thus they deserve this respectful recognition at the very least.
  • Actually, "VIP weapons" are VVIP. This was taken from CF China as they have a subscription service which makes players who have subscribed a VIP player. So to stop the confusion, they named "VIP" weapons "VVIP".

    Also, VIP players are actually "important" as they are the ones who are paying to keep the services running for the free players. Even though everyone who plays the game, paying members or free playing members, are both equally important, those who pay for services who purchase these "expensive* weapons should stand out that little more.
  • Can it be rename to SG aka special guns ... Well it isnt that special they just redesign the shape and add some changes