Evolution Gaming League # 31 Match Id's

The Round and number signify the round that the match is played. The letter is the Match's letter on Challonge.

Bracket - http://challonge.com/evolutiongamingleague31

Match ID's

Round 1 Match ID's

Round1A - b43
Round1B - b44
Round1C - b45
Round1D - b46
Round1E - b47

Round 2 Match ID's

Round2F - b48
Round2G - b49
Round2H - b50
Round2I - b51

Semi-Final's Match ID's

Semi-FinalsJ - b52
Semi-FinalsK - b53

Final's Match ID

FinalL - b54

If you have any questions please feel free to log on EGL's Mumble or message me in game