Klutch/Coco coming back and LFT!

Hey um, I got into a terrible car crash on my way to school https://www.instagram.com/p/_ahdv6gGNc4fAe5cJRIZFKcrfEojwpHzVYepU0/?taken-by=coco.dannyb From a lady running a red light at 60 in a 40 and blind siding me and making my truck flip and roll 3 full times.. Im lucky to be alive but I do have head damage, a concussion, cervical neck injury and other injuries in my left arm and pelvis. Due to all of this I am pretty F'd up.. My lawyer told me I have to stay home for a long time which means I cant go to school, nor baseball, nor work, nor anything. So I will have a lot of time on my hands to come back and play. I have mental breakdowns from time to time because of the crash but ill be straight.
-Decent gamesense
-Can get my shot back
-Willing to commit
-Can play on client/bandi.
Most of you already know with me and either played with me in tourneys or against me.
But if you haven't heres my latest youtube edit of scrims/matches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Myhu-OL1jqY
Pick me up fam
