My thoughts ;o

Throughout my countless years of playing this game, many idea's have passed through my head. Some which seemed good at the time, others not so good. So this thread is for me to actually get these idea's down and see what other players think about these. Some may have been discussed before in earlier threads of the forum, some may have just been mentioned and not been given much more thought.. so here we go;

Dogtag rewards:
Many players are getting fed up of these timed weapons as a dogtag reward. The weapons are usually only reskins or terrible weapons in which are useless for trading dogtags for such as the previous reward; Dual Colt Volcano. Also they keep the same reward for month and months, which can lead up to players getting this weapon for a year or more. This might be a good thing for some, but bad for most. So, these rewards should be changed more often, with a better variety of rewards. I'm not talking about ZP crates. I'm thinking more "Functional" item. Maybe some nice gear for your character which gives 10%, 20% or maybe even 30% EXP bonus. Something that isnt in the item shops already. Then when it gets to holidays such as easter, halloween, xmas etc. They should put in a reward that month to match the holiday. So for example, during december/january, they could put a 30 day M4A1-Xmas or Axe Xmas in as a reward. Then for halloween, have an MP5 Halloween or M4A1 Halloween for 30 days as a reward.

Forum name changes:

Recently i have asked support to change my forum name to something.. better xD. However they denied my request as they do not accept forum name changes at the moment. People might say "well you should of thought of a better name when you made your account". You're right, i should of, but at the time i have no intention of using forums. However, here i am, using forums everyday. ;o Anyway the idea for this is to let every account, change their forum name ONCE per account. If that account name changes, then their old forum name will be displayed on their profile for 30 days to stop any confusion this may caused. If anyone changed their forum name in impersonate anyone else, then they will have their name reverted back to its original and not be able to change again.

Increase the rank limit of NA4 and UK4 servers:
With so many VIPs around, ranking up at low ranks are easy. If i made a new account, i'm sure i could get the SFC rank within a day. Maybe 4 hours gameplay or less depending how many VIP players i actually bump into during my day on the game. As it's so easy to rank up to this rank, the "skill level" of these players won't be as they were 3 or 4 years ago. Therefor, those players who make new account to use hacks on, can easily use them in UK4 and NA4 servers where most players are skilled. They should increase the rank limit to gold bar rank (1st LT or 2nd LT? I get confused xD)

Coupon rewards hardly change. When they do, they don't change much or have useless items put into the coupons. In my opinion, coupons should be changed once a year. Give time for players to earn coupons and gain the rewards they desire. I remember when there were perm weapons at like 50 coupons or something. This won't happen again due to the amount of events being held where any players can gain ZP crates and a ton of coupons from those, but maybe changed the 80 coupon rewards to perm weapons too. Maybe a perm D.E Silver (Instead of it being in coupons for 90 days), maybe a perm melee of some kind like a new skinned knife. It doesnt have to be amazing rewards, but we need something that we can show our coupons for.

Just a few thought, let me know what you guys think, if theirs anything you would like to add or if you think these idea's are terrible. :)

p.s, sorry for the terrible quality of the thread, new to forums so my thread making skills suck just as much as my wave mode skills do. ;o


GP Event Crates:
During the holidays such as xmas etc. Aswell as bringing out ZP crates to match those holidays such as xmas crates, halloween crates, easter crates etc. There should be GP holiday crates. I believe there has one where you could win a perm santa hat, so why not do something like that again? Like, for halloween, a chance to win a perm witches hat, for easter, win a perm bunny backpack. Once again, nothing insanely awesome, but just something for those who don't wanna spend ZP on crates but want something that will be rare and unique like the santa hat.


  • Hahaha its ok ill edit it for you!

    And great ideas

    +1 x 4!
  • Pretty neat ideas.

    My input:
    1) Dogtag rewards definetly don't have to be zp items to appeal to the community. It just has to be something that isn't considered trash tier like the uzi. The Ak/Xm8 spring rewards were already pretty nice to have. A monthly change would work nice as well.
    2)I believe that one of the GM's stated that forum name changes would make a comeback in the future. I'm sure you can find the thread with enough digging. As for if they'll uphold their promise or when it'll be back, that's a mystery.
    3)Rank limit increases for over lieutenants would be nice. Leveling through the Sargent ranks and below just go too fast now with all the passive exp bonuses around. The only problem would be the lack of players who would occupy the server.
    4)More permanents would be nice. I'd definitely prefer anything permanent over a 90 day temporary item. It doesn't even have to be substantial, since coupons are a byproduct of spinning crates anyway. I'd gladly take another Desert Eagle reskin.

    As for event gp crates, that would be really nice. There were Halloween and X-mas accessories in 2010 in gp crates which were nice. Not that I want them to come back since they hold a special value now, but it would definitely be nice to have even the traditional Glock-18 x-mas or M4A1-xams as a gp crate. (Yes, the M4A1 is actually called the M4A1-"Xams.")
  • I love all these ideas Claire :D (although some of which are ideas we already have mentioned countless times before and haven't seen enough support to see them happen). It's good to remind our Z8 Staff from time totime, to show them that this would make a change on our daily experiences (we could eventually be heard).

    There's no point me giving my detailed verdict on each of the 5 above suggestions because 'you and Incentive' have pretty much said it all. I just hope we get to see these ideas implemented in-game, it would increase 'Player Activity' and 'Player Investment' for sure.
  • Thank you C4, you're awesome. :)

    @incentive: I love the UZI, tbh, so I wouldn't mind seeing maybe some cool dual Uzi's in there. But I agree. Reskins of the XM8, AK, M4A1 etc were awesome. Just like the AWM sapphire. That was cool back in the day.
    Nice to know forum name changes will be making a comeback, kinda wish I dug more into forums before sending the ticket. Well, we all make mistakes lol.
    I don't think occuping servers will be an issue, I actually thing it might make the servers less full. For example, UK4 is usually pretty hard to get into at peak times and UK2 & 3 are usually dead. So the lower rank accounts could move to the emptier servers to play to stop clogging up UK4. ^^
    Tbh, I don't think they will put perm weapons back in at 80 coupons because of how easy it is to gain these days. Even if they are only reskins. We can only dream. :P
    Yeah, don't bring them out every year as they'll be less rare and valuable which is defeating the point. But just some nice items for GP players is all I'm asking for. I'm a paying player myself, but sometimes its nice to see free players with some unique items.

    @Tuga: maybe if we keep mentioning them, one day they will listen. All they need is a reminder. ;)

    Sorry for not quoting, forums is difficult on mobile :L
  • claire9822 wrote: »
    Dogtag rewards:
    Many players are getting fed up of these timed weapons as a dogtag reward. The weapons are usually only reskins or terrible weapons in which are useless for trading dogtags for such as the previous reward; Dual Colt Volcano. Also they keep the same reward for month and months, which can lead up to players getting this weapon for a year or more. This might be a good thing for some, but bad for most. So, these rewards should be changed more often, with a better variety of rewards. I'm not talking about ZP crates. I'm thinking more "Functional" item. Maybe some nice gear for your character which gives 10%, 20% or maybe even 30% EXP bonus. Something that isnt in the item shops already. Then when it gets to holidays such as easter, halloween, xmas etc. They should put in a reward that month to match the holiday. So for example, during december/january, they could put a 30 day M4A1-Xmas or Axe Xmas in as a reward. Then for halloween, have an MP5 Halloween or M4A1 Halloween for 30 days as a reward.

    YOU FOOL! You dare to call the CF-05 a terrible weapon or a reskin? I assure you, it is neither of these. Someone, jail this woman!
    I'm cool with the Idea of changing the Dog-Tags more often though. And the Seasonal Stuff is nice too.
    claire9822 wrote: »

    Forum name changes:

    Recently i have asked support to change my forum name to something.. better xD. However they denied my request as they do not accept forum name changes at the moment. People might say "well you should of thought of a better name when you made your account". You're right, i should of, but at the time i have no intention of using forums. However, here i am, using forums everyday. ;o Anyway the idea for this is to let every account, change their forum name ONCE per account. If that account name changes, then their old forum name will be displayed on their profile for 30 days to stop any confusion this may caused. If anyone changed their forum name in impersonate anyone else, then they will have their name reverted back to its original and not be able to change again.

    Live with your Choices and wrongdoings, my Child. But, yeah. Why not.
    claire9822 wrote: »
    Increase the rank limit of NA4 and UK4 servers:
    With so many VIPs around, ranking up at low ranks are easy. If i made a new account, i'm sure i could get the SFC rank within a day. Maybe 4 hours gameplay or less depending how many VIP players i actually bump into during my day on the game. As it's so easy to rank up to this rank, the "skill level" of these players won't be as they were 3 or 4 years ago. Therefor, those players who make new account to use hacks on, can easily use them in UK4 and NA4 servers where most players are skilled. They should increase the rank limit to gold bar rank (1st LT or 2nd LT? I get confused xD)

    Eh, I don't mind.
    claire9822 wrote: »
    Coupon rewards hardly change. When they do, they don't change much or have useless items put into the coupons. In my opinion, coupons should be changed once a year. Give time for players to earn coupons and gain the rewards they desire. I remember when there were perm weapons at like 50 coupons or something. This won't happen again due to the amount of events being held where any players can gain ZP crates and a ton of coupons from those, but maybe changed the 80 coupon rewards to perm weapons too. Maybe a perm D.E Silver (Instead of it being in coupons for 90 days), maybe a perm melee of some kind like a new skinned knife. It doesnt have to be amazing rewards, but we need something that we can show our coupons for.

    Again, YOU FOOL! Do not dub every weapon useless because you cannot find a proper use for them. That's also called slander. These weapons deserve a chance. They ARE actually pretty good. It's just they are mere temporary additions to your ever so growing arsenal.
    claire9822 wrote: »

    GP Event Crates:
    During the holidays such as xmas etc. Aswell as bringing out ZP crates to match those holidays such as xmas crates, halloween crates, easter crates etc. There should be GP holiday crates. I believe there has one where you could win a perm santa hat, so why not do something like that again? Like, for halloween, a chance to win a perm witches hat, for easter, win a perm bunny backpack. Once again, nothing insanely awesome, but just something for those who don't wanna spend ZP on crates but want something that will be rare and unique like the santa hat.

    A GM by the name of Saidin once told a tale about it just being impossible to put perm vanity stuff into the game as GP Crates. I don't really buy it, but oh well.

    Anyway, I can tell you've put a lot of effort into it. So.. yeah. Just my 2 Cents on this matter.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    YOU FOOL! You dare to call the CF-05 a terrible weapon or a reskin? I assure you, it is neither of these. Someone, jail this woman!
    I'm cool with the Idea of changing the Dog-Tags more often though. And the Seasonal Stuff is nice too.

    Live with your Choices and wrongdoings, my Child. But, yeah. Why not.

    Eh, I don't mind.

    Again, YOU FOOL! Do not dub every weapon useless because you cannot find a proper use for them. That's also called slander. These weapons deserve a chance. They ARE actually pretty good. It's just they are mere temporary additions to your ever so growing arsenal.

    A GM by the name of Saidin once told a tale about it just being impossible to put perm vanity stuff into the game as GP Crates. I don't really buy it, but oh well.

    Anyway, I can tell you've put a lot of effort into it. So.. yeah. Just my 2 Cents on this matter.

    I appreciate your feedback.
    Just to correct you, I was never putting a bad name on any of the rewards for dog tags or coupons. I just feel like they get boring quickly. I actually own and use the D.E silver, Remington shotgun, Bamboo nade and a few others. I just feel like a change more often would be nicer. Well, except for that 50 coupon LMG which is shocking.
    As for the CF-05. I like to use that in TDM for scout badge, it is actually a good weapon, but I feel like it should of been a perm GP item shop gun rather than a dogtag exchange reward. ;o Where-as for the Dual colt volcano, that sucked for a dogtag reward and should of been in coupons. Where as the D.E silver should of been in dog tags.

    I hope you get what I mean, I know I do xD
    Thing is, we all have different opinions about these things, which is why if we all put our opinions together, maybe the GM's could work around it all to try and make most people happy. People don't realize these days that you can never please all of your audience. Which sucks tbph xD I prefer to try and make everyone happy :(
  • claire9822 wrote: »
    I appreciate your feedback.
    Just to correct you, I was never putting a bad name on any of the rewards for dog tags or coupons. I just feel like they get boring quickly. I actually own and use the D.E silver, Remington shotgun, Bamboo nade and a few others. I just feel like a change more often would be nicer. Well, except for that 50 coupon LMG which is shocking.
    As for the CF-05. I like to use that in TDM for scout badge, it is actually a good weapon, but I feel like it should of been a perm GP item shop gun rather than a dogtag exchange reward. ;o Where-as for the Dual colt volcano, that sucked for a dogtag reward and should of been in coupons. Where as the D.E silver should of been in dog tags.

    Hah, no worries. I'm not saying this in a bad way. You are right on them getting a bit boring after a while.
    claire9822 wrote: »
    I hope you get what I mean, I know I do xD
    Thing is, we all have different opinions about these things, which is why if we all put our opinions together, maybe the GM's could work around it all to try and make most people happy. People don't realize these days that you can never please all of your audience. Which sucks tbph xD I prefer to try and make everyone happy :(

    Right you are. All one can do really is to please the majority, and that's it. Sucks, but it's the only thing that works in the long run.