Heat - LFT

I've decided that I will join a team, after previously deciding that I didn't want to.

I'm looking for a serious team, one that will scrim and possibly enter things like ESL, and whatnot.

A few things to know about me:

- I am not particularly 'eager' to join a team, I will not just join any team, and am more likely to be skeptical if I haven't seen your name before.

- I have been playing CF on and off for almost 6 years, however I really don't know what my oldest account dates back to.

- I have all things necessary to join a team, which is essentially; a working microphone, teamspeak/mumble/raidcall already installed, etc.

- I have lots of time on my hands, and am a huge nerd. I am on the computer from about 3:30PM - 10:00 PM pacific on school days. On weekends I am online a majority of the day.

- I have a hand tremor IRL. My hands shake. My aim is not the best, although it's been getting a whole lot better as of recent. However a huge issue I have is a team that will rage, and call me out on every little mistake, or feel the need to express anger towards me even though I know I made a mistake. I simply cannot play under pressure. This does not mean I cannot play in important events such as ESL, which is pressure inducing, just that I cannot play under pressure from other people. If you are constantly getting mad at me, I can garuntee I will play worse.

Message me on the forums if interested.
