Provoked(Sea Horse MEN) is looking for dedicated member

Provoked is looking for dedicated member
*** Before you can join ***

Before you are accepted into this clan, you will be put through tryouts. Contact either panda-m0nium or a lieutenant in game to setup a match. If you've done well, we will invite you to our Ventrilo server and make sure you fit in socially. If you don't fit in or have a crappy attitude, you will be asked to leave. Otherwise you will be welcomed to join as a permanent member.

-Be an active player or you will be kicked.
-If you are immature you will be kicked.
-Be a respectful player at all times.

Xfire contact

Panda = pandam0nium
bliss12 = bliss12
-Gosu- = hrki98
-Sauce = prosauce1

By panda-m0nium*
