
This is a feature I came up with for players who support the game. This is also a great feature for new players. So here it is:

Make a "Z8VIP" option by the "Get ZP" option and you can purchase Z8VIP $8.99 for 2 months and the user gets these features:

1. A Gold name on the Forums and a Z8VIP badge by their name.

2. 150% More EXP and GP in-game for yourself and 50% EXP and GP for all players in the room (If you are getting a kill-streak)

3. A red name, clan and chat in-game

4. When a Z8VIP player is in the lobby or in a room, the player has the Z8VIP badge by their name (like the VVIP tag).

5. Z8VIP Spray and Namecard

6. Choose the minimum ping for your room

7. When you get a 3 or more kill-streak it displays a message in the chat saying "<players name>'s Z8VIP: <playersname> is on a "3,4,5,etc" kill-streak! +50% more EXP for all players!"

If you guys have any features I should add or remove, let me know! :D


  • -10 not a good idea...

    lmao where u hoping to get a barrett royal dragon code?
  • I love how you edited out the part of the post where subscribers would get monthly codes for items. At this point, I seriously believe that you're just here to troll. You're really showing a toxic attitude. Yes, I also believe that you're showing a greedy personality since pretty much all your posts are made to ask for easier access to weaponry and extra bonuses.

    Implying profanity does not get you anywhere but bring you closer to getting banned from the forums. You're missing the entire fact that Z8Games/Smilegate is a business, and they design the game to generate revenue. Of course there will be more options for players willing to pay, and more benefits will be given to those that do pay. Players are not entitled to gifts of any sort, whether they pay or not. If you don't believe you're getting your money's worth when you spend on this game, then don't spend at all.

    If someone has money and they wish to spend it on entertainment, so be it. You have no right to criticize people who wish to spend money on games. If a person can not or does not want to pay for items in this game, then they know what options they're limited to.
  • -1

    Like every suggestion you've posted is the same.
    Not to mention it's pretty stupid that I would pay $10 for basically nothing every month.
  • +Features updated!
    If you guys have any ideas for some new features you think should be added, let me know!
    Also, what are your opinions of the price of the Z8VIP?
  • Your suggestions are close to being unrealistic. I don't see the point of you asking every 2 days for more useless content when we already have like 3 events each month in which you can get some zp crates plus zp goodies. With that being said even if you are not a player who buys zp often you can still have a decent storage. I've won 6 weapons from event crates trough my cf history.
    With few vips you can level up very fast, lets not forget the achievements and huge exp/gp bonus events. The ranking system is already fully broken and I and pretty much everyone else in this game do not need more marshals with little to no game sense ruining this game, kicking people who are better than them, glitching, spamming trash in chat, using only op weapons etc etc etc.
    20 $ per month for cf? I'm not sure but I think that World of warcrafts subscription is like 10 $ cheaper? What are you talking about mate?
    at this point I'm gonna assume that you are trolling. Not gonna bother posting anymore on your threads.
  • Oh haha.
    Look, the price increased from $9.99 to $19.99.
    $20 for absolutely NOTHING.

  • GarrisonRG wrote: »
    Oh haha.
    Look, the price increased from $9.99 to $19.99.
    $20 for absolutely NOTHING.


    Alright, I will change it, thanks for your suggestion! ;)

    If you have any ideas on what features I should add, please tell me.
  • You know what, nvm, can a MOD just close this thread?

    This suggestion is getting nowhere, this community is terrible.
  • So because you suggest something you blame the community for it, when its really just a bad idea?
  • @Raytheon - Basically you want VIP's to be rent-able with additional bonuses.. No thank-you. This would make buying (permanently) the VIPs less valuable. IK you want to help new players (mainly because you want to help yourself as well) but what your doing is making rare/limited or very luxurious weapons valueless (just because you don't care you want to see every rookie in the village have them). Well it's not fair for the dedicated hard workers and investors!

    Advice: You would get better feedback/support from us if you would just come up with 'NEW WEAPONS/RE-SKINS' for the Black-Market Crates or even Coupon Rewards.
  • Personally I think a subscription based system is dumb, not to mention a waste of money considering these prices. Even if we do your lowest number which is $8.99 for two months that's still about $54 a year, which is about the price of a permanent VIP gun or enough to win a crate gun with average luck. Also the cosmetic things that you're suggesting are at best a waste of time to code when we have other more pressing issues that the devs could spend their time fixing. If you want a VIP just set aside your 8.99 a month, wait for a sale then buy one like everyone else.