BGL Cup #10 Match ID's
The Round and number signify the round that the match is played. The letter is the Match's letter on Challonge.
Match ID'S
Round 1 Match ID'S:
Round1 A - BGL33
Round1 B - BGL34
Ronud 2 Match ID'S:
Round2 C - BGL35
Round2 D - BGL36
Round2 E - BGL37
Round2 F - BGL38
Semi-Final Match ID'S:
Round2 G - BGL39
Round2 H - BGL40
Final Match ID'S:
Finals I - BGL41
If you have any questions please feel free to connect to BGL's TeamSpeak 3 or message Ramil in-game or forums.
BGL Cup #9 Match ID's
Match ID'S
Round 1 Match ID'S:
Round1 A - BGL33
Round1 B - BGL34
Ronud 2 Match ID'S:
Round2 C - BGL35
Round2 D - BGL36
Round2 E - BGL37
Round2 F - BGL38
Semi-Final Match ID'S:
Round2 G - BGL39
Round2 H - BGL40
Final Match ID'S:
Finals I - BGL41
If you have any questions please feel free to connect to BGL's TeamSpeak 3 or message Ramil in-game or forums.
BGL Cup #9 Match ID's
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