Stop telling me how to play this game.

Just a response to the people who keep telling me the same things that I always hear.

So I was wondering, Crossfire community, why do most people on this game feel entitled to tell me how I should play MY game? Why don't people just mind their own god damn business? Who are you to tell me what I should and should not use ? And what is up with all this racism towards Chinese players? I mean, I get that you would think it's unfair that we have VIPs and armor but what does being Chinese have to do with it? LOL amazing how so many people assume I don't know any English just because I'm in a Chinese clan. LOL you think it's all !E!E! or some sht but it's because you don't have the proper program downloaded. You know what else I find hilarious? A bunch of people in this community trying to tell me how to spend my money. Damn, since when did I ask you for your opinion? Does the money belong to you? Who the fck are you to tell me what to do with my money? Did I ever ask you what I should and should not buy? Should I invest in the stock market, Andrew? Or should I make it rain on your mom? When the fck did you become my financial advisor? So because I'm willing to buy something that was offered by Z8, why is it suddenly my fault? If you have a problem with it, complain to Z8. Don't btch to me about VIPs and armor like sht, if I went to a grocery store, bought Aunt Jemima's pancake mix and all you can afford is Wonder bread, who do you think you are to tell me to buy Wonder bread? Don't tell me to feed third world countries with my money if you spend your money on take out and at the mall; you don't need those luxuries either. Go shop at a food pantry and thrift store.

You think I don't know the struggles of not having VIPs and armor? I've done it and never complained because I know they chose to spend money on it. Yeah, it's harder to play but I've never btched at someone for it. If you can beat someone with VIP and armor, good for you. If you can't, consider NOT making yourself look like a dumbass by telling people how to spend THEIR money.

I know most people would say, mute your chat, ignore them but hey, how would you feel if almost EVERY room you went into had some racist cnt talking sht about your race, your culture while telling you how to play the game when you haven't said a thing to anyone? Even when I use a regular AK, there's always some prik calling me a "Ch*nk". LOL amazing. Please, don't tell me to learn English if you're trying to talk trash to me with your bullsht grammar and spelling. Real story, had someone complain to me about armor and VIP, then started going on about how China only allows one child per family? LOL the fck? How's that relevant? There was also an incident where some kid called me "Ch*nk" then started talking sht about how I don't even understand my own ingame name. Mind you, I don't know who the fck these people are and I haven't said a word to anyone in the room nor have I ever brought up someone's race to justify their game play. Being a racist prik just goes to show how ignorant you are. Also, I get these dumbasses with VIPs btching about how I'm using a VIP. So.. you have the gun I'm using but you're not going to use it just to say that you're a better player than me and complain about it? This is getting fcking annoying to write. So lets leave it at haters gonna hate, Chinese people do speak English, stop telling us to go back to our country because I'm pretty sure someone in your family immigrated here so you would have to be Native American to tell me to go back to my country. And stop trying to be my financial advisor (:

I know how to spell my profanities but forums won't let me post (:


  • Whether or not you follow through with the advice people give you is up to you. Because that's pretty much all it is when people are telling you to play a certain way. No one is forcing you to change.
    Why you feel the need to talk down on people just because they voice their opinion on your gear, your play style, and how you spend your finances is beyond me. You know they are wrong, so why do you take the time of the day to write this? Why would you even care?

    So what if they call you a *****? It's a Video game. With a pretty immature community to boot. (Forum Folks are alright though. In-Game are the real killers.) People are bound to say stuff like this. Just suck it up and move on. You are an Adult, you can take it.

    If you are so sensitive about your culture being insulted, then try to not out yourself as someone that follows said culture, from what i gathered, your Nickname gives people the target they need to insult you. Change that to something neutral, and you are good to go.

    People these days..
  • Valid points but it's not like this happens once or twice a day, this happens every time I join a room.
    Why do I feel the need to talk down on people is beyond you? Well, why people feel the need to talk down on me first and call me a ch*nk is beyond me. I don't even talk in these rooms and I should just let people insult me repeatedly when I haven't said anything?

    The community has problems with Chinese players in general. I don't even out myself as Chinese and my IGN is pretty neutral but being in a Chinese clan is already enough for people to insult me for it.
    But, being insulted for the same things every time means that there's a connotation behind being Chinese? It's alright for people to talk sht about my culture because they have no other excuse to make up for their terrible game play?

    So, why is being Chinese already an explanation in it of itself for our gear, our play style and how we spend our money? Emphasis on EVERY ROOM I JOIN.
    I don't understand why people resort to insulting someone's culture (not once or twice, ALL THE TIME) as an excuse for their shtty game play and think it's okay. And the only reason I took the time to write this is because I know there are also a handful people on forums who are just as biased and hypocritical towards Chinese players, as if we don't understand what's going on.

    So why should I care? The real question is, why should they care? If a WHOLE gaming community has a problem with a culture because they're known to play with a specific set of gear and are more often, better players, then why is it acceptable for them to insult me and why should I even let them?

    If you're suggesting to me to hide my culture, then you also know the bullsht I'm talking about.

    And you're right, people these days, hilarious.
  • HelpImLost wrote: »
    Valid points but it's not like this happens once or twice a day, this happens every time I join a room.
    Why do I feel the need to talk down on people is beyond you? Well, why people feel the need to talk down on me first and call me a ch*nk is beyond me. I don't even talk in these rooms and I should just let people insult me repeatedly when I haven't said anything?

    If it is really THAT bad for you, all i can do is repeat what others would do in that Situation. Either you put them on the ignore list, or you report them for insulting you. Both are viable options, really obnoxious to just put everyone that insults you in a game separately, but these two options are the only choices you have, really. (Or you could simply just screw it and don't care, but i get where you are coming from.)
    HelpImLost wrote: »
    The community has problems with Chinese players in general. I don't even out myself as Chinese and my IGN is pretty neutral but being in a Chinese clan is already enough for people to insult me for it.
    But, being insulted for the same things every time means that there's a connotation behind being Chinese? It's alright for people to talk sht about my culture because they have no other excuse to make up for their terrible game play?

    That's just how it is. Bad players will resort to anything to make themselves look better. Even if it's something as low as insulting someone else's cultural background.
    HelpImLost wrote: »
    So, why is being Chinese already an explanation in it of itself for our gear, our play style and how we spend our money? Emphasis on EVERY ROOM I JOIN.
    I don't understand why people resort to insulting someone's culture (not once or twice, ALL THE TIME) as an excuse for their shtty game play and think it's okay. And the only reason I took the time to write this is because I know there are also a handful people on forums who are just as biased and hypocritical towards Chinese players, as if we don't understand what's going on.

    Well. I really can't comment on that one. I guess you are right about some people around here being a bit "unfriendly", shall we say, towards Chinese players. I wouldn't be able to name someone right of the bat, but i know it happens. So, okay. Point taken.
    HelpImLost wrote: »
    So why should I care? The real question is, why should they care? If a WHOLE gaming community has a problem with a culture because they're known to play with a specific set of gear and are more often, better players, then why is it acceptable for them to insult me and why should I even let them?

    I usually get told that the "Smarter one backs down from the argument", and maybe it's the best way to go about this problem. People who say stuff like that are stupid, and deserve not even a SECOND of your attention. You simply cannot change a community that has started to think unwell about specific groups of people. Not losing your head over this really is (at least for me) the easiest way to live through the waves.
    HelpImLost wrote: »
    If you're suggesting to me to hide my culture, then you also know the bullsht I'm talking about.

    Of course I know.

    We've had (and mostly still have) people being pretty hostile against BRs, EGYs, Germans, you name it. That's the thing about being behind a computer screen. People are bound to talk crap on the internet while they feel safe and sound in their homes.

    For all it's worth, allow me to at least extend my condolences for the behavior of some folks in this game. It sucks, I know. But as i said, not giving them the time of your life is the best thing you could do.
  • Thank you, hopefully other people are as understanding as you.
  • all i wanted to mention was after i read the first 5 or so words idk i dont even wanna check cause idc

    but yeah after that i was like k salt
  • So if I said Noob you be crying right now suck it up ur a man... Or female