Suggestion to have BUY IT NOW price for black market zp crates

To admins
I am just wondering is that z8 can make "buy it now "system for players who want to buy black market zp weapons. It just another option for for people who feel lazy to spin, bad luck with spins etc.
You can set it with a price and it s up to player who want to buy it or spin the wheel.


  • -1; defeats the purpose of spinning crates. Its a gamble so it shouldn't be guaranteed.
  • As much as I would love to pay a set amount to guarantee the weapon, the black market was designed to be a gamble. Sure, it is disappointing when you spend a large amount of money on crates and don't win the permanent item you want, but you might also win it in less than you would expected. The black market was intended to have a risk and luck factor to it.
  • Z8 can set the price for any number it does not has to be less or cheap. It s an option for people to has chance to get the weapons. Yes people will spends hundred s or thousands to spin but if they do not get the best prize what would be next ? People will stop buying zp because it s more like spinning money for nothing. Buy it now system can let players choose from gamble or buy it for a price. I think it will be more incoming funds that way.

    Plus if the VIP weapons are available in this way( for most people think it s over power and rare ) , why not for others. But like I mentioned it does not has to be less than vip or make it cheap.

    Above all my personal thoughts.
  • urgreatboy wrote: »
    People will stop buying zp because it s more like spinning money for nothing. Buy it now system can let players choose from gamble or buy it for a price.

    Letting players choose is the problem. The black market system was designed to be a chance to obtain the weapon. Adding a feature to let players straight out purchase the weapon would ruin that system, and make it just another item shop.

    If I might add a thought here. The human mind is being psychologically manipulated with the "chance to win" system. An example would be a game over screen at the end of a puzzle game, which in this case is a crate that doesn't pay out with the desired weapon. The mind would tell you to keep trying again until you finally realize that you can't/shouldn't anymore. This can be either because you don't have the time, the attempts, or in this case, the money.

    The mind reacts to a loss with the thought that it should keep trying until you succeed. This is a dirty trick that many free-to-play game companies utilize in their gambling-like products, and is definitely the reason why casinos are so successful (alongside the cheap alcohol to give you even less control over your reasoning). This system generates a lot of revenue, and is not likely to change.

    Don't take these comments as me hating on your ideas. I would definitely want to remove any form of RNG from games. However, these companies merely exist for making revenue and a gambling-like system definitely entices people to spend more than they should. This holds especially true if the payout rates are lower.
  • They should put the cheap BM weapons in the Item Shop and keep the High-Price weapons like the Royal Dragon Weapons, Legendary Dragon Weapons and Ancient Dragon Weapons in the Black Market.
  • The Black Market is there since the very beginning of cf, people with big storage's, didnt win all they'r guns by 1 spin, they spended hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars, maybe even for 1 gun, these people have spend so much for 1 gun, and now you're coming with the idea to just buy it, than what happends to those people that spend all that money? they get back from smilegate? no, this idea will not come, not now and not ever.
  • This wouldn't happen ever. The Black Market is a luck chance and will always be a luck chance. Its CF's way of gambling.
    They should put the cheap BM weapons in the Item Shop and keep the High-Price weapons like the Royal Dragon Weapons, Legendary Dragon Weapons and Ancient Dragon Weapons in the Black Market.
    Why should they add the cheap BM weapons in the item shop, its defeats its purpose. They were set as a Crate weapon for a reason. Z8games makes it money from crates, because its a gambling effect like a casino. You say you are only buying 10 next thing you know you buy another 10 and another. Z8 makes a killing cause of this process.