Black market update

Well, z8 have to work at GP crates I think. Guys youre right you have to make money for make game keep working but you cant do it WİTHOUTH PLAYERS!! Not all of the players want or can pay for your high payments, You have to update GP crates on black market, Its not even updated... just 3-4 things for whole crate system time... And maybe zp amounts can be decresed because people have to spen 100 usd for one vip, its not logical...
For example ; in 100 person, only 10 person can purchase vip weapon for 100 usd, that makes 1000 uds profit,
what it 100 person purchases 10 usd vip weapon ? same right ?
not for 10 usd, im just explaining, z8 will be never lose money from selling things cheaper, by the way they can make profit. thing about update and zp discount... I guess z8 will have profit that they have never seen before.
