CFS - Mini-Interview Video

Hey guys, I am going to be creating a CFS North America interview video. Anyone who played in the CFS National Finals this year can participate. This video will be posted on the official Crossfire Stars website viewed by hundreds of thousands internationally. This is a great way to talk about your Crossfire Story, Crossfire Stars, funniest moments, thoughts on the current competitive scene, and whatever fits in. I will be creating the questions and if you have any questions, add me on Skype at jordan-_-he.

The video will do the following:

1. Promote Crossfire North America.

2. Show the different personalities we have from certain competitive individuals.

3. Help me get to Crossfire Stars and win the Supporter Contest. If I am given this chance, I will take it to network with and inquire Smile-gate employees and other version's moderators, which will bring a better experience to Crossfire North America.


1. Played in Crossfire Stars North America National Finals
2. Have an HD Webcam and Mic (You will be speaking to the camera, and sending the me the file). You can be casual in your answers, just have a good quality video.