Please remove the kicking system from hmx

Back in the day you couldn't start a kick vote in hmx and it needs to be that way again im tired of getting rage kicked for no reason by egys because im beating them. Seriously just today i got kicked from 3 games in a row and that was after i spend 15+ minutes playing, its a big waste of time. The kick system was brought into hmx due to all the hackers but since the hacker problem has been sorted there is no need for the kick system because people just abuse it now.


  • dmxava07 wrote: »
    Back in the day you couldn't start a kick vote in hmx and it needs to be that way again im tired of getting rage kicked for no reason by egys because im beating them. Seriously just today i got kicked from 3 games in a row and that was after i spend 15+ minutes playing, its a big waste of time. The kick system was brought into hmx due to all the hackers but since the hacker problem has been sorted there is no need for the kick system because people just abuse it now.

    Remove All Egys from Game F4cking eegyptians
  • You have to deal with it. It's pretty rare for me to finish a HMX game, I always get kicked.
  • The only solution to these kids that Only who have ZP Soldiers ribbon able to kick.
  • gotta agree, more requirements for the votekick system would be great.

    It is always either a noob calling you hacker and your teammates thinking so as well, people in the same clan making room/ you annoy them by killing them, idiots kicking high scores for fun(often in hmx/hm)

    having a rank restriction+honorable soldier ribben+zp spender would be great for this, at least it slims down the amount of people kicking you for no reason.

    Vip only servers would be great as well, no more idiots kicking because you dont trade weapon and fewer crybabies. (although some high ranks with vips are good at crying too...)
  • paulvink34 wrote: »
    gotta agree, more requirements for the votekick system would be great.

    It is always either a noob calling you hacker and your teammates thinking so as well, people in the same clan making room/ you annoy them by killing them, idiots kicking high scores for fun(often in hmx/hm)

    having a rank restriction+honorable soldier ribben+zp spender would be great for this, at least it slims down the amount of people kicking you for no reason.

    Vip only servers would be great as well, no more idiots kicking because you dont trade weapon and fewer crybabies. (although some high ranks with vips are good at crying too...)

    There are still kids with VIP that stil wanna trade with my barrett and if I font trade they kick me, so VIP server wouldn't do much.
  • dmxava07 wrote: »
    Back in the day you couldn't start a kick vote in hmx and it needs to be that way again im tired of getting rage kicked for no reason by egys because im beating them. Seriously just today i got kicked from 3 games in a row and that was after i spend 15+ minutes playing, its a big waste of time. The kick system was brought into hmx due to all the hackers but since the hacker problem has been sorted there is no need for the kick system because people just abuse it now.

    No the hackers are Back removing the kick vote bad idea:D
    paulvink34 wrote: »
    gotta agree, more requirements for the votekick system would be great.

    It is always either a noob calling you hacker and your teammates thinking so as well, people in the same clan making room/ you annoy them by killing them, idiots kicking high scores for fun(often in hmx/hm)

    having a rank restriction+honorable soldier ribben+zp spender would be great for this, at least it slims down the amount of people kicking you for no reason.

    Vip only servers would be great as well, no more idiots kicking because you dont trade weapon and fewer crybabies. (although some high ranks with vips are good at crying too...)

    I agree Requirements to use the kick vote, but not as ZP spender becuase you still have ZP spenders who have no skill just farm and QQ if you kill them and they kick, as for honor ribbon? that dont prevent any one from QQing and kicking :D

    but how about my idea below of Kick vote system Requirement to use them and to limit them per day;

    I totally agree with Majority of Crossfire Community about the frustration of been kicked for no logical reason.

    I know they made a thread for Kick vote system suggestion which i have added my suggestion however the thread seems dead as the GM have not updated us on the progress of that vote system remove or accept our suggestion.

    My suggestion was as follow;

    In order for any player to use the Kick vote system they must earn a Vote kick by the following;

    *Complete Fever Bar Level 1 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 2 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 3 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Your daily mission = 1 Vote

    Allowing a player to have a maximum of 4 votes per day not only, once the player used their 4 maximum Votes they can not use any more till the next day if they achieve the requirements to get the votes.

    That suggestion will removing the following issues on Vote kick system;

    * Prevent player from kicking every game as they have only 4 votes per day
    * Prevent Re joiners who keeps rejoining to try bully and kick player until successful
    * Prevent Player from kicking without Good reason as it waste your 4 votes per day

    This thread needs to be revived by the GM and Update us Not so difficult to change the system, We all agreed not good for it to stay this way and not a good idea to remove completely so why not make us earn our Votes per day

    What do you guys think?
  • order for any player to use the Kick vote system they must earn a Vote kick by the following;

    *Complete Fever Bar Level 1 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 2 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 3 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Your daily mission = 1 Vote

    That suggestion will removing the following issues on Vote kick system;

    * Prevent player from kicking every game as they have only 4 votes per day
    * Prevent Re joiners who keeps rejoining to try bully and kick player until successful
    * Prevent Player from kicking without Good reason as it waste your 4 votes per day

    Now this is a great IDEA, Lets do it!
  • Now this is a great IDEA, Lets do it!

    Now all we need is for Admins/ GM to listen to what we have suggested or at least my suggestion, If you or any one has good contacts with MODs maybe they can push this further as this has been going on for over 6months kick vote system suggestion no progress :(

  • iDupree wrote: »
    There are still kids with VIP that stil wanna trade with my barrett and if I font trade they kick me, so VIP server wouldn't do much.

    true, but if it is only one person trying to kick you there is no problem, if there are a few noobs trying to get your weapon, and some people from the other team are annoyed by your skill, the vote will pass much faster.
  • No the hackers are Back removing the kick vote bad idea:D

    I agree Requirements to use the kick vote, but not as ZP spender becuase you still have ZP spenders who have no skill just farm and QQ if you kill them and they kick, as for honor ribbon? that dont prevent any one from QQing and kicking :D

    but how about my idea below of Kick vote system Requirement to use them and to limit them per day;

    I totally agree with Majority of Crossfire Community about the frustration of been kicked for no logical reason.

    I know they made a thread for Kick vote system suggestion which i have added my suggestion however the thread seems dead as the GM have not updated us on the progress of that vote system remove or accept our suggestion.

    My suggestion was as follow;

    In order for any player to use the Kick vote system they must earn a Vote kick by the following;

    *Complete Fever Bar Level 1 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 2 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 3 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Your daily mission = 1 Vote

    Allowing a player to have a maximum of 4 votes per day not only, once the player used their 4 maximum Votes they can not use any more till the next day if they achieve the requirements to get the votes.

    That suggestion will removing the following issues on Vote kick system;

    * Prevent player from kicking every game as they have only 4 votes per day
    * Prevent Re joiners who keeps rejoining to try bully and kick player until successful
    * Prevent Player from kicking without Good reason as it waste your 4 votes per day

    This thread needs to be revived by the GM and Update us Not so difficult to change the system, We all agreed not good for it to stay this way and not a good idea to remove completely so why not make us earn our Votes per day

    What do you guys think?

    on paper your plan is great, but there are a lot of people just playing 3-4 games per day. They can just kick whoever they want during that timeframe. I agree that this plan would shrink down the abuse a lot, but it is not the final solution.

    It also would be great if there would be a calculator calculating the value of kicks, there are a lot of valid players not kicking anyone unless they are clearly hacking or glitching or swearing. And there are a lot of people who just kick the ace for fun (especially in hmx), it would be great if those peoples kicks would just have less value than the players who actually are fair.

    for example, someone kicks all day for no reason> his f11 value is less than 1, someone only kicks hacks/glitchers/insulters> his f11 value is greater than 1. However this system requires more overviewing from the mods, which probably wont happen.

    Really miss the last couple of months, very little hackers. There were much fewer useless kicks in snd.

  • *Complete Fever Bar Level 1 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 2 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 3 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Your daily mission = 1 Vote

    Allowing a player to have a maximum of 4 votes per day not only, once the player used their 4 maximum Votes they can not use any more till the next day if they achieve the requirements to get the votes.

    But.. these animals play like 24/7 because they have nothing else to do with their so called lives. -and fever bar one can be completed in 3 games or less. (depending on the mode)

    Still suggesting the idea of IP Banning new foreign IP's.

    But of course, none of these suggestions have ever been implemented in the game (as far as i know) in the last few months.... perhaps years..
  • GarrisonRG wrote: »
    But.. these animals play like 24/7 because they have nothing else to do with their so called lives. -and fever bar one can be completed in 3 games or less. (depending on the mode)

    Still suggesting the idea of IP Banning new foreign IP's.

    But of course, none of these suggestions have ever been implemented in the game (as far as i know) in the last few months.... perhaps years..

    That's not the idea, the idea behind Daily bar/ Missions is to limit the players from having unlimited kick votes as we have today in game, You can kick from every room all, every day = unlimited, but with the daily mission/ fever bar the players will be limited to max of 4 votes per day. So i doesnt matter if they get them begining or end of the day. They only have 4 so they have to use them wisely. You might still have idiots who will use them to bully or annoy some one but they are limited to 4 per day. Now people can keep kicking following you room to room.

    Personal I would only use the 4 to kick hackers who I would of followed around he map to be 100% sure he was hacking not because of his score.

    As for IP ban lol can not prove they are randomly abusing the the kick vote system, As for IP ban Certain Group or location it involves racism.
  • No the hackers are Back removing the kick vote bad idea:D
    My suggestion was as follow;

    In order for any player to use the Kick vote system they must earn a Vote kick by the following;

    *Complete Fever Bar Level 1 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 2 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 3 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Your daily mission = 1 Vote

    Allowing a player to have a maximum of 4 votes per day not only, once the player used their 4 maximum Votes they can not use any more till the next day if they achieve the requirements to get the votes.

    That suggestion will removing the following issues on Vote kick system;

    * Prevent player from kicking every game as they have only 4 votes per day
    * Prevent Re joiners who keeps rejoining to try bully and kick player until successful
    * Prevent Player from kicking without Good reason as it waste your 4 votes per day

    I've seen you post this idea a few times.. idk how I feel about this.
    Yes, you would be limiting the amount of false kickers. That's great, but do you also know how much less we'd be able to kick the hackers?

    Have you ever been in a game where people vote kick a hacker like 10+ times before enough people learn how to use the f11 button? I would waste half of my kicks for the whole day on one hacker in one game. All of them if I decide to rejoin and waste the other half trying to give the opposite team a fair game.

    Also, it didn't seem like your system gives the fair players who know how to spot a hacker and kick them, any credit. Everyone has equal influence & immunity in kicking with your system and that's not something most players would want. It gives no one but the hackers an edge. All you'd be doing is taking away from everyone's ability to kick in general.

    If they were to implement a new kickvote system, they should somehow take away from new/unhonorable player's influence & immunity and give more to higher ranked players such as captain rank and up or VIP players since they are the least likely to hack and most likely to kick the hackers. Yes, high ranked and VIP players can hack too, but at least this system will get us better results. More hackers will be kicked right away and less successful false kickings.
    IP ban Certain Group or location it involves racism.

    How would that be racist?
    It's just saying "Hey, the majority of the people in general from this region are playing on a server they shouldn't be playing on with 250+ ping and causing mass complaints from actual NA users."
    A racist is someone who feels one race is superior to another or hate towards someone strictly because of their race. I'm not gonna get any further into this kinda debate cause I'm sure you and everyone else knows why that isn't a racist suggestion.