Hacking Reports

Over the last several days I have been sending in hacking reports and I realized something: I am a casual player and it isn't my responsibility to be taking time out of my day/gametime to go through these saved replays and note names and rounds and times of hacking, having been reading that little is done. I'm seeing more and more in pubs each day. We need a better way to deal with hackers. The reporting system can still exist, but we need more. Also, I think the kickvote system needs some new things.

Now I don't know how, but under certain circumstances some things could be looked at faster (Say "player X" gets 9 kills in 1 second and is kicked, lets look at that see if its legit). Or, "player X" has 20 pending tickets against them.. lets check that out. Or, "player X" was kicked from 6 games in a row for reason "hack/cheat" lets investigate and see if there are any pending reports.
-So tired of hkers!