Time for a change(uk) and some suggestions?

I think we had enough of people using cheats and as far i recall i caught 6 of them.(it's useless to report them so i won't even bother to do that)
Instead of reporting them how about change the ranks to enter a server. Here is my suggestion for the servers:
uk1 - trainee+
uk2 - trainee+
uk3 - master sgt+
uk4 - Major+
uk5 - Staff Sergeant

What we gain from this people will ask? Well simple. You could enter in the server where you know that game will be hackfree, a fair domination game to play and less glitchers.

The second suggestion.
Disconnect the people who are in lobby for more than 5 minutes. I do understand that people go afk to eat or something. But there are some people that they stay afk in lobby for 30 minutes and it's just waste of the space. For picking a room it doesn't take you that amount of time. Cause as far i see the servers are full and when i enter the server. Some channels are not complete full. Why? Cause some people go afk, stand there for 30 min and when they comeback they log off or search for new then or change the server.

Third one:
The kick vote are pretty annoying. You lose experience, kdr and time that you waste to get kills.
So i was thinking about this. You get the message that you was kicked, the reason why you were kicked (idle, hack or glitch/bug) and who did kicked you. The person who was kicked get's the little box where you can complain about was the kick righteous or not. But of course you have to take the Screen Shot and upload it into that box. And if it goes to your favor automatically adds the kdr you lost and some of the experience.

I hope i was clear and that you guys did understood my meaning to bring your lost cause against people who actually do damage.


  • Suggestion 1: +1
    Totally agree with ranked servers, although a high ranked server doesn't necessarily mean hack free like you say.

    Suggestion 2: +1
    Maybe a bit longer then 5 mins, say 10?

    Suggestion 3: Meh
    Instead of complicating it we should just keep the exp/gp from the game. If a genuine hacker gets kicked he 'should be' banned soon so it doesn't matter if he keeps the exp/gp.
  • Would be neat. But our player count doesn't really let us do this.

    As for the kicking situation. Have you seen my thread? How about decreasing the limit for the trainee servers. This lets lower ranks play with new ranks. Currently i believe the rank limit for the trainee servers are WAYYY too low. Thats why they are always empty. Because one can easily obtain the rank limit in like 2 days of playing. It is also really hurting our playerbase as new players are forced to play with pros in NA1/alpha

  • This game has its faults but the kick system actually works, think about it, you get a hacker in your room you vote ,he/she gets kicked,
    The one thing that is faulty in this game is the players, they hack, they kick unfairly, they abuse the glitches, they are rude and at times down right insulting.
    One time I even had a player say ,and I quote " I hope your mother dies of cancer", nice, its the crossfire community we need to do something about, not the game itself.
  • No, Just no.

    For just a reason, you know there are "Low" ranked players who didnt really farm, yet enjoy the game, why do they have to deal with the aids of cheating? Im a master sergant, and I saw way too many hackers.

    Just cuz we "Low" ranked players didnt farm doesnt mean we deal with hackers.
  • I agree with all the above suggestions but the kick vote is a complex one, thus I think the easiest way to deal with our kick vote situation is giving us HOST'S a new option of turning it ON or OFF before starting the game. This way one would know weather or not to risk joining the game & only have himself to blame for making the initial choice.

    Kick vote is good to kick out the hackers (although it isn't used correctly most of the time) but our community is overall childish since many exploit the system. That's why some prefer it and others do NOT, (so the above kick vote suggestion of having an option for ON/OFF) is the best to counter most of the abuse while giving us the preferences option.
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    I agree with all the above suggestions but the kick vote is a complex one, thus I think the easiest way to deal with our kick vote situation is giving us HOST'S a new option of turning it ON or OFF before starting the game. This way one would know weather or not to risk joining the game & only have himself to blame for making the initial choice.

    Wouldn't hackers just seek out rooms they can't get kicked from? The unkickable games will be full of them lol.