how do i join a clan?
The clan system integrated into the game itself.
Answer to your question:[GM]Castiel wrote: »Applying to a clan
If you simply don’t want to manage a clan, then you can also apply to another person’s clan. To do so again access the Main Clan Page, however instead of clicking the Create Clan button, Click on the Search bar at the top of the page.
The search bar will allow you to search for a clan through either the clan’s name or the Clan Master’s IGN. Click whichever checkbox is appropriate to your search term and enter the term itself into the text field to the right. Once you have entered the Clan Name/In Game Name click on the Search button.
Depending on the term and the type of search you may receive several results. The clan screen will only show 3 clans at a time but allows you to skip to the next/previous page with the next/previous page buttons at the bottom.
Once you have located the clan you wish to join you can click either the Clan Name or the Clan Mark to view the clan’s profile page. Here you will be able to view the clan’s name, master, Level, Activity Score, Registration date, member size, match history and active region.
If you are not in a clan you will also be able to use this screen to apply. Below the My Information section there is a button to apply to the clan. Clicking this button will prompt you for a message to join your application. It is your choice if you wish to enter a message, once you click OK the application will be sent for approval.
Special Notes
Depending on the settings a clan master chooses you may not be able to apply to a clan. A clan master is capable of setting certain restrictions which prevent application when not met.
You will not be able to apply to a clan if you are already the member of another clan.
You can only apply to 3 clans per day, so make sure that you really want to apply to those clans.
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