Faild to connect to hosr server-the server you are trying to reach is currently full
Guys i need help i have this proplem for 4 days at first after i log in and join any match it jsut freez and after 2 seconds i go out and i got error faild to connect to host server (not sd matches)
and i sent a ticket to Gm and he told me to do the next things
For Windows 7 or 8:
1. Hold down the Windows key and press R. (This will open the Run dialogue.)
2. Type cmd and press Enter. (This will open a command prompt.)
3. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
4. Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter.
5. Turn off your Modem/Router and wait 5 minutes
6. Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
7. Turn your Modem/Router back on, wait until it booted completely
8. Back on your PC, type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
9. Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
10. Reboot your computer.
and i did after that i have another proplem i can't log in lol when i log in the screen freez and it gives me error the server you are trying to reach is currtenly full pleas try again later lol wt if some one can help me pleas say
and i sent a ticket to Gm and he told me to do the next things
For Windows 7 or 8:
1. Hold down the Windows key and press R. (This will open the Run dialogue.)
2. Type cmd and press Enter. (This will open a command prompt.)
3. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
4. Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter.
5. Turn off your Modem/Router and wait 5 minutes
6. Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
7. Turn your Modem/Router back on, wait until it booted completely
8. Back on your PC, type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
9. Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
10. Reboot your computer.
and i did after that i have another proplem i can't log in lol when i log in the screen freez and it gives me error the server you are trying to reach is currtenly full pleas try again later lol wt if some one can help me pleas say
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