How to fix "client file corruption detected closing game client"

After I got my new PC, I installed crossfire NA server, but unfortunately the error of ""client file corruption detected closing game client" keeps happening :(

After google it, following old guides, I deleted and uninstall all the crossfire files then disabled all anti-virus softwares, updated all the drivers to the latest version, and then re install crossfire, but same problem is still there, then I switch to try crossfire ES and AL but they the story goes the same.

Anyone knows how to fix this problem ?


  • The last days the server are very unstable - atm they go on and off - so its really a bad time for a new install cause this can cause errors (maybe the downloaded install files are faulty too?) while patching resulting in a corrupted install...
    The other thing > it is better to add all cf stuff (all the .exe or the hole install folder) to the exceptions of your anti-virus-soft instead of disabeling it - cause even if its disabeled some softw. still blocks stuff...
    btw. best way to start the game is from the "patcher_cf.exe"