new USEFUL permanent coupon weapons.

If you ask me, it would be very nice to get new, but above all, USEFUL permanent coupon weapons.

Your opinions?!


  • My opinion?

    I can't understand how you're so smart; suggesting that we get a permanent coupon weapon?!??!?! I'm going to have to congratulate you on being the first to sugges___

    Shut up, they don't care what you want.
  • Imtoonie wrote: »
    My opinion?

    I can't understand how you're so smart; suggesting that we get a permanent coupon weapon?!??!?! I'm going to have to congratulate you on being the first to sugges___

    Shut up, they don't care what you want.

    you can suggest certain items but 1/10 chance they will listen....
  • AKIO_BUM wrote: »
    you can suggest certain items but 1/10 chance they will listen....
    Lol more like 10e-9th that they'll even think twice about reading the suggestion let alone implementing it.
  • They won't do that
    They only care for the Chinese version
    All the other versions only exist to fill their pockets more
  • Suggestion thread is basically a place to dump lifeless (but sometimes decent) ideas.

    They will never be check.

    Never be implemented.

    No matter how good the ideas are.

    +1 on the idea though.
  • Baecan wrote: »
    Suggestion thread is basically a place to dump lifeless (but sometimes decent) ideas.

    They will never be check.

    Never be implemented.

    No matter how good the ideas are.

    +1 on the idea though.

    This basically sums it all up.

    "Nevertheless keep dreaming though guys, as we have the right to hope till the very end."
  • I agree with OP

    the coupons guns suck,plus the awm gold is there for more than 3 time to update the damn copuns mall :(
  • I'd like to suggest an MG for the 100 Coupon slot, kicking the Winchester Gold out. - It doesn't even have to be gold. Because God knows i need an MG.
  • how about the m4 vip noble beast gold eh? jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkj I don't want people to have it
    When gold brick comes out it should be coupons not black market because its not a very good melee and it's unique and gold and we don't have a melee gold [Kantana doesn't count][Shovel]
  • Baecan wrote: »
    Suggestion thread is basically a place to dump lifeless (but sometimes decent) ideas.

    They will never be check.

    Never be implemented.

    No matter how good the ideas are.

    +1 on the idea though.

    LOL ikr I have notice that but I wish they add new perm weapons to 80 and 100 coupon slot im at like at 75 right now and last time when I got to 80 I got the m4 custom and it suck when they nerf it
  • It's real sad that we have to keep exchanging our hard earned Coupon tokens to the same old & repetitive/bad weapons (especially the permanent ones).

    I hope that we got new replacements every other 6 months or so at the very least, if SG want ZP investors to have even more motivation for investing in ZP, this is clearly something the CF Company need to look at first!
  • Rus_pro wrote: »
    I agree with OP

    the coupons guns suck,plus the awm gold is there for more than 3 time to update the damn copuns mall :(

    Just the Winchester sux, Anaconda is good ur aim just sux ..
  • Useful weapons I don't know, but at least CHANGE the permanent coupon weapons every 6 month, or something.
  • I/we can't take it anymore... the wait has been extraordinary in level, we have been patient for around 2-3 years (I lost count exactly) for 3 new permanent weapons (100 coupon selections) and nothing has come by except a few 90 day weapons (that hardly anyone will ever exchange their coupons on).

    No responses from GM's nor Mod's, maybe because it's indicating that they have disregarded this Exchange System (a very long time ago) and are letting us realise that we too should give-up on it..

    IK Z8 have very little power, IK Smile-Gate's least worry is giving us a new selection of Coupons but "wow", could Z8 not at least try let them know this is just one simple thing we want to see changed (as more fundamental things usually require more work to implement) that we want to see around here? I don't think it would hurt to try contact them... after all, if Z8 could do ZP crate events (like they have been, which is awesome but bad for business) then why not try get new coupon weapons available for us at least annually, which give more profit than these ZP crate give-aways as it could entice more ZP investors to get crates for coupons? :confused:

    I honestly don't see this ancient suggestion harm the business and there should not be difficulty in communicating with SG for whatever our version needs.
  • Coupon Exchange - No more buying ZP - Seriously de-motivating!!!

    If u have a negative reply, keep it to urself. if u say they wont care, kindly keep such reply to urself.. any kind of negativity.. for gods sake zip it and keep it for urself and no thanks to u!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How about just give the old damn system back? ha??????????????????????????
    I was checking old videos, and old picture of the coupon exchange system. I still remember it ofc when it gave better exchanges. And it is just so unfair!!!
    If some players got the chance to get such awesome weapons for coupons, why not give everyone the same chance??? I mean.. people still buy zp as the old players. New accounts are being made and people buy ZP. And the coupons are just so difficult to win anyway!!! like what Is wrong with the old coupon system??? The weapons are still inferior to the VIP weapons.

    And many..I mean MANYYY in the old coupon system are just obsolete now!!! U cannot get them via any type of crates.. U cannot get them via FP or GP or ZP or any kind of "Ps"
    I dare any anyone to tell me. How is that fair in anyway??? that is seriously messed up!!

  • @ above - No!

    I/many old players, DON'T want the old system weapons back, we want those weapons to be more valuable if they are kept rare. Move on!

    If anything we deserve at least 3 NEW weapons available for 100 Coupons (that should become rare too in the future just like the past weapons in the C. Exchange System). That's how it should work!
  • @above (tuga)
    Coz u want to??? coz u have them? LMAO
    ur like capitalists lol!

    @mizo applause!!!
    If someone has it all should have the opportunity. It is called fairness which some old greedy players would refuse..haha.. classic! as long as all will buy the crates and all will win the "same coupons" whats the difference???
    my god! besides the old system was there for long.. so.. i wonder!
  • I guess some people like above don't like valuable rarity.. IMO, instead of asking for the same old-school weapons back (which is disrespectful for the old players anyway), why can't you guys suggest new weapons or re-skins for the C.E.S?!? It's not that hard, lol.
  • I also think that it's time for a new golden weapons, for 3 years, each could acquire these weapons and wanted to present something new, something that you can play and not just collect. Further, due to the full slot with coupons, we can not open new boxes! Gentlemen Moderators instead of new maps on which no one will give us a new game gold weapons
  • I am ok with new themed gold useful weapons.. an ak47, a M4, a melee..all cool tbh.. just replace the useless winchester and sniper.. seriously I can get a similar sniper from the FP mall... and the gold conda is just as the black one from the black market..

    @tuga1991 stop being so selfish.. ur logic just says heyy im selfish.. seriously.. old players??? new ones will be old someday too.. but heyy ur the oldest- ofc -_- classic
    and nothing disrespectful against u or me (as an old player myself) The guy has a point.. the old system had SO much permanent weapons.. why ask for 3 when once it was all permanent??
  • SPOPON wrote: »
    I am ok with new themed gold useful weapons.. an ak47, a M4, a melee..all cool tbh.. just replace the useless winchester and sniper.. seriously I can get a similar sniper from the FP mall... and the gold conda is just as the black one from the black market..

    @tuga1991 stop being so selfish.. ur logic just says heyy im selfish.. seriously.. old players??? new ones will be old someday too.. but heyy ur the oldest- ofc -_- classic
    and nothing disrespectful against u or me (as an old player myself) The guy has a point.. the old system had SO much permanent weapons.. why ask for 3 when once it was all permanent??

    I'm not being selfish if anything i'm innovative (it's not the same). I just prefer new weapons or different re-skins rather than bring back the same old weapons we used to have. Honestly "some of you guys" have literally no imagination (no offence).. of all the weapons in the world you guys could ask for, you much prefer the same old, same old repetitive stuff (wow)..

    I was lucky to be around and get a few of them (I didn't make the most of it, could have done better) but i'm still not asking for them back (I moved on from those weapons).. I only ask if anything, just an annual cycle change with unique, different weapons (as IK many people like rarity, not common stuff that you see everyone own and kill it's value, which is no fun TBH).

    I/many prefer refreshing changes, I mean it would suck if we had the old ones back and see them stay till the end of CF's life (that would be lame, we deserve different experiences while years go by).

    I'm not going to debate any further about this subject, I will just say that "Dev's will decide weather or not we will get anything, I hope we do get new permanent weapon changes but if we don't then never-mind (we will get over it one-day), since most CF versions have a bad C.E.S anyway."
  • Z8 is gonna have a hard time if devs decide to give us temporary weps instead of permanent ones.
  • BigMB wrote: »
    Z8 is gonna have a hard time if devs decide to give us temporary weps instead of permanent ones.

    Could of made a reference to Undertale with this, YOU BLEW IT.
  • i suggest to replace the current coupons weapons as i got bored of those unused guns.
    i'd prefer axe gold, thompson gold, Fr Fr2 gold.
    that would be diffidently perfect.
  • Majorlog wrote: »
    i suggest to replace the current coupons weapons as i got bored of those unused guns.
    i'd prefer axe gold, thompson gold, Fr Fr2 gold.
    that would be diffidently perfect.

    yeah, those weapons are definetly better and more usefull than this crap we got atm.

    but a change in general would be nice at all.
  • I'm still hoping for a perm gold knife to be put into the coupon mall O.o