undead elites gone_[E]xtinction now (DEAD ELITES)

Apparently word is going buy quick that undead is no more now [E]xtinction has appear as for all the members who got kicked is now on this reincarnation of undead called Dead Elites.
What i want to know is that what happened along the way for this to happen.
More and more clans are becoming...whats a word for it.... "strict"
Cross fire is a game i understand if you want your clan to be the best, but its a GAME!!!
i went to several or multiple of clans on top 100 list and its just ridiculous of the rules that its funny.
dead Elite i want you too be very successful of this "situation"...
and i hope [E]xtinction FALL APART!....

thank you for reading.
i want to read you peoples comments.


  • Apparently word is going buy quick that undead is no more now [E]xtinction has appear as for all the members who got kicked is now on this reincarnation of undead called Dead Elites.
    What i want to know is that what happened along the way for this to happen.
    More and more clans are becoming...whats a word for it.... "strict"
    Cross fire is a game i understand if you want your clan to be the best, but its a GAME!!!
    i went to several or multiple of clans on top 100 list and its just ridiculous of the rules that its funny.
    dead Elite i want you too be very successful of this "situation"...
    and i hope [E]xtinction FALL APART!....

    thank you for reading.
    i want to read you peoples comments.

    well for starters no clan really wants any noobs in it unless its a noob clan
    i know them really good and they just were cleaning house
  • As a former LT of Undead Elite, and a current LT of [E]xtinction... the creation of [E]xtinction was all about becoming a brand new clan. Undead Elite was not going where we wanted to be going, and the only fair way of changing things was a fresh start. We cannot expect clan members to change with us, and there are also new rules, reqs etc. We are very happy that a close friend of ours has created Dead Elites for all of the old Undead Elite members to go to if they choose to do so...we wish them the best of luck.
  • there was also the option for old UnE members to apply to [e]xtinction if they thought they fit our reg's, which over 80% of you did not; which was clearly demonstrated in that little clan war we had against dead elites. and yes, crossfire is a game, and games are meant to consist of competition, competition meaning wanting to be the best; and if you do not want to be the best then here is what you do: exit out of xfire, uninstall the game, throw your computer through the wall (a window also works well, although less effective) and finally go live your boring life filled with no fun (thats the nice way of putting it)

    and for all of your members that hold grudges against masterbrett and/or any other member of extinction; u really have no right to, we put more into the clan than any of u possibly could have. ohh so u donated some zp? what like 1000? spend over 50000 then i suppose you can talk. and besides, who asked you to donate anyway? most of it just sits there
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    JJ u fail, bad
  • Waffles69 wrote: »
    there was also the option for old UnE members to apply to [e]xtinction if they thought they fit our reg's, which over 80% of you did not; which was clearly demonstrated in that little clan war we had against dead elites. and yes, crossfire is a game, and games are meant to consist of competition, competition meaning wanting to be the best; and if you do not want to be the best then here is what you do: exit out of xfire, uninstall the game, throw your computer through the wall (a window also works well, although less effective) and finally go live your boring life filled with no fun (thats the nice way of putting it)

    and for all of your members that hold grudges against masterbrett and/or any other member of extinction; u really have no right to, we put more into the clan than any of u possibly could have. ohh so u donated some zp? what like 1000? spend over 50000 then i suppose you can talk. and besides, who asked you to donate anyway? most of it just sits there

    Ohhhh, Waffles. Good job showing a great attitude. That'll really make people wanna join. To this day, I'm surprised you've stayed a Lt. as long as you have acting like you do.

    And it's not that most of the old UnE members hold a grudge. They're just upset that they were kicked without any kind of warning at all, and for completely dumb reasons. You make it seem like they sat there and did nothing and are just ****ed they got kicked, when most of us know they actually did a lot. You don't get from rank 70 to 54 without EVERYBODY working at it.

    And just tossing this out there as a side note. If you wanna pick on the people that got kicked for not meeting your new standards, you should really take a closer look at half of your clan. They don't meet these new requirements either.
  • erem brah, you gotta realise, nobody got kicked. THE CLAN CLOSED. AND I STARTED A NEW ONE. understand these words. Tell them to your new clan.

    ALL my members meet my rules and Reqs. some have a lowish k/d but proved they can compete with the best clans.

    and We don't need anybody to join. we already have a team that can win a GM tourny. (after 2 players get headphones and 2 other players to get melee weapons)

    some donated 700zp (can't do anything with it) some earned 50 clan points, awesome. and pretty much everybody wasn't in the clan for more than 3 weeks.
  • Eremitic wrote: »
    Ohhhh, Waffles. Good job showing a great attitude. That'll really make people wanna join. To this day, I'm surprised you've stayed a Lt. as long as you have acting like you do.

    And it's not that most of the old UnE members hold a grudge. They're just upset that they were kicked without any kind of warning at all, and for completely dumb reasons. You make it seem like they sat there and did nothing and are just ****ed they got kicked, when most of us know they actually did a lot. You don't get from rank 70 to 54 without EVERYBODY working at it.

    And just tossing this out there as a side note. If you wanna pick on the people that got kicked for not meeting your new standards, you should really take a closer look at half of your clan. They don't meet these new requirements either.

    i'm not recruiting for people in my thread; in fact, if you were on xfire with all of us and JJ you'd know that i was just having fun with him and that you shouldn't take it too seriously. I love dead elites, i've had lotsa fun with all of you
  • i really dont think that the split was totally fair. i joined the clan 2 and a bit weeks before the split. i joined because of seeing how awesome the clan was as a community so i really tried to progress and improve my play with them. within 2 weeks i played about 150 hours and became 19th in the clan(not including LT)...than bam all my hard work goes to nothing and MasterBrett takes all of my hard work and leaves us all out on the street...i think the requirements are rediculous considering i had only done ghost mode for 3 weeks and was improving very quickly. MasterBrett i sort of hope [E]xtinction doesnt go anywheres because it was really a jerk move what you did. Anyhow with that being said...i hope you people reading will come and join Dead Elites instead. Atleast were not going to kick you and take your earned CP for our own gain.
  • lol... you put 75 clan points in. so much hard work. what can i do to repay you?

    ALL the long-time members got to stay, no matter how bad they were. i have no clue who you are or 75% of the clan, after i passed down leadership.

    you complain about your hard work... i lead for 8 months. i put 1600+clan points in and 50kzp towards making the clan bigger. i come back to find the clan full of negative k/d players that constantly QQ. it's my hard work that got drained.

    like i said before, i talked to my buddy and we decided to open a clan for all the ex undead members to go, i didn't leave anybody in the dust.

    Did i mention that i created and owned that clan? it's mine i will do what i want.
  • the goal of UnE was not to earn cp's, it was just to play and have fun. the clan points just come along as you keep playing. So if you were spending so much 'hard work' (playing the game is hard work?) earning clan points for UnE then you had a completely different goal the UnE did. So put all that 'hard work' into Dead Elites. [E]xtinctions goal is not to earn many cp's, because that will not happen with 10 members, but it is to simply be the best at ghost mode and to have fun along with it. which we are already up in the top best gm clans imo. Don't think of it as if you were kicked, think of it as if you were never in extinction; because that is really what is going on. UnE didn't just change their name and logo; we are a completely new found clan. UnE IS dead elites, your rank has just restarted. and not rly many people actually give a sh1t about rank, its all about being better than others.