*-Simple-*Recruiting noaw! Rawr!

[insert clan mark here] (Im working on a good clan mark design so -.^)
SimpleGuy presents:
Established January 12, 2009


I want to establish this will be my final clan on Crossfire. My clan hopping days are over ^.^ Howdy folks! The name is SimpleGuy! I used to run an ub3r successful clan named Colts until I made a big boo-boo and was kicked out! (It itched =S) I have returned to revive another clan that will be as successful as my old clan! *-Simple-* is not a clan for jsut anyone to show up and get accepted into. Its a clan that requires skill, honor, respect, and cleanliness! If you have what it takes show me up =D. I worked a sum of 8 hours in my room and countless hours in the classroom on working on this clan. This clan will be huge! This is no joke. Honest! (World Geography is boring, so I jotted down some ideas for my clan ;D] If you think you got the t3sticl3s to join us, well you are one brave player. If not, well, I despise you =[. But if you join you will not regret it ;D. (Scroll down for more!)

Leader Info:

IGN: SimpleGuy DOB: 9/14/1994
Skillz: Rifling, not a big sniper =P
Previous clans: (In order xD) Slytherin, Serenity, sgt.lXcs, Colts, DoA, LND, PubStarZ, PanTHers, Trivium, HelloKitties, Paradox-, #LoveLess, SimpleGamerz, (DF71), Powned, *-Simple-*!
Thats a LOOOOONG list.

My Xfire if you want to contact me instantly: kolby108
Also that is my Youtube name! I make videos often. Add meh =p

If you have Ventrilo, thank you. If you do not, download it please. We will be using it often!

Please Xfire me or PM me if you have any further questions. kthxbai! ;D
