Item Trade System

In the last few years this idea has been spread in Crossfire community. So I suggest this idea but with a safety system.

Item Trade: There are too many players who has same 2 items or who wants to trade his weapon with another. So I'm suggesting this feature to come to CrossFire but in this ways;

•To make trade, your account must be 2 years old and your last year of hacking history must be clean. (For both players)

•You have to use In-game security password which will be sent to you by e-mail from Z8Games. And you must write your security answer to see your In-game Security Password to make trade. (Each trade new password)

•And a locking system. After you done trade your items will be locked till the next trade. You can make 1 trade per month and maximum trading item numbers will be 3 item at per trade.

At possible account stole situations Z8Games will never take responsibility cause it's owner's fault.


  • +1 Item trading would get the game more popular. However I disagree with trading once a month. Finding 1 person who could possibly have the 3 items you are looking for is basically nill.
  • In the last few years this idea has been spread in Crossfire community. So I suggest this idea but with a safety system.

    Item Trade: There are too many players who has same 2 items or who wants to trade his weapon with another. So I'm suggesting this feature to come to CrossFire but in this ways;

    •To make trade, your account must be 2 years old and your last year of hacking history must be clean. (For both players)

    •You have to use In-game security password which will be sent to you by e-mail from Z8Games. And you must write your security answer to see your In-game Security Password to make trade. (Each trade new password)

    •And a locking system. After you done trade your items will be locked till the next trade. You can make 1 trade per month and maximum trading item numbers will be 3 item at per trade.

    At possible account stole situations Z8Games will never take responsibility cause it's owner's fault.

    [gold=color] Yes Weapon trade would be great idea However the exchange should be done by Crossfire so there no need for any security etc

    would be simple item maybe called Trade Weapons that allows 1 item to trade, to trade more you buy the item trade again.

    The Item trade will allow you to select the weapon you want to trade and select players name and the Weapon you want from him, Your weapon would automatically be put into a lock system, once the other player has done the same, that system will automatically swap the items, if the other did not accept the trade then you Weapon is automatically back in your storage,

    Perfect safe system, no need for Security passwords or security answers, as its an Item you would buy same as Name tag if that name is in use that Name Tag item is not used etc this Weapon Trade Item Automatic as long as the other player has the weapon you selected as exchange and the other player accepts, if he don't then your Weapon Item is not used and yous till have your Weapon, Simple as that

    but good idea mate :D I have few M4a1 Silvers and Ak47 Silvers :D trade

  • Please Z8 see this post and make something very good
  • In the last few years this idea has been spread in Crossfire community. So I suggest this idea but with a safety system.

    Item Trade: There are too many players who has same 2 items or who wants to trade his weapon with another. So I'm suggesting this feature to come to CrossFire but in this ways;

    •To make trade, your account must be 2 years old and your last year of hacking history must be clean. (For both players)

    •You have to use In-game security password which will be sent to you by e-mail from Z8Games. And you must write your security answer to see your In-game Security Password to make trade. (Each trade new password)

    •And a locking system. After you done trade your items will be locked till the next trade. You can make 1 trade per month and maximum trading item numbers will be 3 item at per trade.

    At possible account stole situations Z8Games will never take responsibility cause it's owner's fault.
    I like the idea but I would also suggest adding a waiting period of about two weeks for the trade to become final. During this waiting period either party will be able to cancel the trade at any time and should the account be flagged as being stolen then support can stop any and all trades until the account's ownership can be confirmed. Also to sweeten the pot for Z8/Smilegate I think it would be agreeable to have a small surcharge for making a trade of 5,000ZP or 50,000GP for the free users. And for all the free players I realize that this might be a lot, but considering that you're probably getting a ZP gun out of the deal for GP it should still be agreeable (I say this because any GP gun you could just farm and buy and 50k is enough to buy most guns so it wouldn't be worth trading for). In this situation everyone would win: Z8 would get some easy money for very little coding, players would be happy, and there would be safeguards against compromised accounts losing all their weapons.
  • Yes I hope z8games will take a look into this. However, I think this version is just another copy of China's version and they can't add 'new' content themselves as they only follow up on their content. It would really help if a GM would reply to this thread.

    Another reason why item trading should be added to this game is for the game to get more balance. There are many players who have more than 2 of the same guns. Also a lot of people have tons of GP just sitting in their accounts. Being able to help a friend or get that one gun you've always wanted does help the game get more popular especially to newer players. If z8games wants the friend system to work, and the FP system. Being able to trade items and GP/ZP really benefits both parties.
  • What about an additional requirement of having spent x zp on that account, say 100k zp?
  • +1

    I would love to see a way of trading weapons, I have spare guns that my friend does not have and he has spare guns that I don't have.
  • Simple answer no. This would take up too much money & time for z8/smilegate. Accounts are individual what you obtain on your own should stay that way.
  • It would be a cool concept, but i just don't see CF spending resources and investing time and effort into this idea.

    CF NA basically has no say in updates, if anything we just have to hope CF CN starts asking for this idea.
  • Although I doubt such a thing would ever happen (cf2greedy4money), I will give my +1
  • Thought I'd bump this thread until a GM responds to this.
  • I've suggested trading system before. They said that it wont happened. So i think this will also be rejected cause trading system will ruin CF (as they say). So yea sorry to disappoint you but it won't happened, even though i like your idea.
  • "trading system will ruin cf"
    they should look at csgo and see valve's trading system
  • •You have to use In-game security password which will be sent to you by e-mail from Z8Games. And you must write your security answer to see your In-game Security Password to make trade. (Each trade new password)

    I agree everything except this. They should make it to where its not the e-mail for confirmation, but another way. Many people, including me, don't know their e-mail to their account. I wish i did know my account's email.
  • I agree with this idea but the rules and stuff are kinda strict and if your account has been in use for under 2 years you should still be able to use this feature
  • I dream to be president one day...hard cash money :/
  • We're waiting for a response any GM about this system.
  • In the last few years this idea has been spread in Crossfire community. So I suggest this idea but with a safety system.

    Item Trade: There are too many players who has same 2 items or who wants to trade his weapon with another. So I'm suggesting this feature to come to CrossFire but in this ways;

    •To make trade, your account must be 2 years old and your last year of hacking history must be clean. (For both players)

    •You have to use In-game security password which will be sent to you by e-mail from Z8Games. And you must write your security answer to see your In-game Security Password to make trade. (Each trade new password)

    •And a locking system. After you done trade your items will be locked till the next trade. You can make 1 trade per month and maximum trading item numbers will be 3 item at per trade.

    At possible account stole situations Z8Games will never take responsibility cause it's owner's fault.

    I love this idea, it sounds interestingly safe to me, the only thing i'd change about it all is the "1 trade per month", I think "1 trade per week" would be much more appealing.

    This is definitely a good system for those who have many weapon repeats, and would love to get rid of them for something else in need.

    One of the best rules above is the "account age restriction", if it has 2 years or more (with 1 year clean from cheats) it's eligible for trade. This alone makes the above suggestion great to be part of CF as new account creations can't abuse of this system.

    +100 from me but I doubt Z8/Smile-Gate will do anything (as usual)..
  • We're waiting for a response any GM about this system.

    they will not respond unless you address them within a message or ask them to check out the post.

    if your lucky they will fly by and respond, they are busy people too you know


    im going to make a post similar to this and try to get it proposed.
    No Promises
  • I am sorry , but i'm gonna have to pass on this one.. i feel like it would be utterly unfair for a lot of people. Althought i'd love to relocate an entire set of skins on a single account.

    Not to mention that a new system would bring up way 2 many bugs and glitches that could be easily exploited.
  • Kibebs wrote: »
    I am sorry , but i'm gonna have to pass on this one.. i feel like it would be utterly unfair for a lot of people. Althought i'd love to relocate an entire set of skins on a single account.

    Not to mention that a new system would bring up way 2 many bugs and glitches that could be easily exploited.

    No it can be secure if they do it right..
  • instead of that why not GP trade to clan members only
  • FxKryStaL wrote: »
    instead of that why not GP trade to clan members only
    That sounds like a waste, honestly. You can earn GP to buy whatever gun that you want fairly easy now with all the GP+ events that happen and with VIPs in every room there's really no need for a GP gun trade system. It makes much more sense to instead have a black market gun trade system or even a trade system that will allow you to trade any permanent guns.
  • +1 I approve of this idea, there are times where we win multiple of the same weapon and others don't have it so trading it away would be convenient for both sides
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    That sounds like a waste, honestly. You can earn GP to buy whatever gun that you want fairly easy now with all the GP+ events that happen and with VIPs in every room there's really no need for a GP gun trade system. It makes much more sense to instead have a black market gun trade system or even a trade system that will allow you to trade any permanent guns.

    u see i rather give all my GP to my clan member when they need it.
    To me all this 14 mil gp is nothing to me, i barely use any of it
  • i don't agree on the two year thing but i think a certain rank of 2nd lt would be great?
  • +1
    I Agree with every single word here.
    The trading system should be in Crossfire to make the game more fun.