Team Dedicate Is Really Smart
Obviously I was cheating.Tyler killed my teammate who was legendblue.He made the call.Even if he haven't made the call,you can clearly see Tyler killing LegendBlue while trying to get up AC.So the only reason I turn back was that idiot.Tyler also made sound.Devote has played on client idiot.If you think I CHEAT,you guys should all UNINSTALL.Stop making stupid bust videos.
Obviously I was cheating.Tyler killed my teammate who was legendblue.He made the call.Even if he haven't made the call,you can clearly see Tyler killing LegendBlue while trying to get up AC.So the only reason I turn back was that idiot.Tyler also made sound.Devote has played on client idiot.If you think I CHEAT,you guys should all UNINSTALL.Stop making stupid bust videos.
I didn't realize you could hear me I do think devote cheats because they suck on client but gods in scrims where they prefire spray you down when you shift and then say they can hear you? Lol Anyways other than him hearing a miss step he still followed me through wall which looked suspicious so I uploaded it. Don't cry little kiddies
lol keep thinking that i cheat little pce of sht ur still the worst player and you have never achieved anything in this game and played it for years.
lol this idiot saying someone else hasnt achieved anything in this game and thinks as if accomplishments in this game mean anything rofl
****ing joke
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