window 10?

currently window 7
runs smooth and I like it

is it worth upgrading to window 10


  • lceBerg wrote: »
    currently window 7
    runs smooth and I like it

    is it worth upgrading to window 10
    I watched many previews of it on yt. And its owsm :D.
    Also , my win7 became boring , broken and slowly :(
    I'm going to upgrade once CF support win10.
    But idk if its free or not. As I don't remember my product key.

  • If you want all your information uploaded to a server (however secure it might be) such as emails and email passwords / wifi password / pictures / documents / search history then sure go for it! Not to mention the advertisements and the "awesome" features it comes with.

    They should rename it Windows-backdoor

    I can't wait to see this blow up in everyones face when their servers get hacked and data is dumped, providing the breach is even reported. Windows 10 should be on the radar and making itself a prime target in no time. When something is free, you are the product they are selling.

    Stick with Windows 7. There is nothing wrong with it, I love mine and will never betray it.
  • Well, I wouldn't upgrade it now. I'll update probably in a month or two.
  • A GM has confirmed that CrossFire support Windows 10 as of 30/07/2015.

    However, there might still be bugs and errors now and then. These issues most like will be fixed in the next patch (next week).

    So in total, it's up to you if you want to upgrade or not.