Wreckless CF Clan opening to sharing TS3 with other clans!

Howdy to those who's clans don't have a communication server to hang out and be a clan on.

After recent discussions with AIKO_BUM (C4URSELF), We've decided that we should open up our TS3 server to those who need it however, we both own the server and it will continue to be under our names but that doesn't matter.

You can download teamspeak 3 here if you don't have it: http://www.teamspeak3.com/teamspeak-download.php

Here's the deal. Clan leaders, contact me through private messaging or find me ingame! IGN: Dr.Murdershy preferrably both cause I'm on when I can be on! Same goes with TS3. On my days off from work I'm on all day and online when I get home from work too.

If you are wanting to be part of the share, again, contact me!

