someone update me plz
michealdrkk wrote: »carbon's the best (xfam0usx, andrej, xida, 15olllll, brando)
ESL every weekend and ESG occasionally
And possibly some other lans
Basically there's a bunch of money and international tournaments involved now but not very many good players
Where have you been? Are you on Devote? I willing to bet my account you are on Devote... -
Speak_Truth wrote: »Where have you been? Are you on Devote? I willing to bet my account you are on Devote...
lol no, I've been playing csgo. Haven't played CF due to a couple reasons involving the game/my team. I've scrimmed devote and played them in ESL so how could I be on their team
I also would never want to play for them but I'm not gonna talk about that
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