Meaningless Kicks

Have it ever happened to you that you have been playing a game for 20 minutes and suddenly getting kicked for no reason just because you had a good score!!

or playing FFA when the first person to reach 30 kills wins. and you get kicked right when you have 29 or 28 kills!!

well i can't take it anymore! not only because of the Exp Lost. also because it's not fun playing that way.
i really wish you all support me, there are manny possible solutions to this issue such as:
making it ilegal to kick for no reason with a punishment of ban.
or many more that i am sure that if we work together we can come up with the perfect solution!
a few days a go i got kicked out from 3 knife matches just for being good. and i am not the only good knifer out there!

i hope that you all Follow me because together we have power!!!!!!! Let's Stop those meaningless kicks!!!!
