Other way to help retreve hacked account

Hello Im sorry for making this thread but recently I went to the support and I have recently tried to do my best to memorize 3 pieces of info and I remebered some because I had made it 3 years ago. I don't remeber the old email I used but have all the transaction ID from all the time I bought zp on that account. I remeber the year it was made but not the day or month because it was long ago it was made. I tried to remeber what was my old security question but I couldn't. But the thing is I have proof pictures and videos of my time when I played crossfire, I have pictures and videos of 1 or 2 years ago playing crossfire because at the time the account password was always the same even when it was created until this year it was hacked. I'm really angry because I wasted lots of money on this account and til this day it is hacked please do something. Please any way I can get the account back I tried support I'm wishing if you can help me. I have old transaction ID to show how much zp I pay to this game and I need it back straight away. Ingame name:sfeg36 Clan:EscapeArtist
Not sure if thats the clan still for that account because it was hacked but please do help me