Something I've noticed and wondered ?[read]

What do players use in crossfire to chat with each other ?

We should find an easy way to communicate with each other at least for the ones who still enjoy playing this game competitively. This can make everything much more simple and fun.

Xfire is closing 12 june 2015 so that's a no.
Steam makes you disconnect out of crossfire I don't know why but oh well.
Skype causes fps lag for some people + skype isn't for gaming to be honest it's more for personal use that's my opinion of course.

We need something that's going to make you login as soon as you open your pc so people get used to using the chatting program while playing crossfire. Something simple to use that's not heavy for people who have out-dated pc's.

Any idea or suggestions? post a reply on this thread so we can all work together on something.
