rust agent grenade

How about smth new.. Smth no one think of yet or smth that is not in army (as we know of yet)

How about smoke grenade (gas) which has agent that rusts gun parts as process of oxidation then guns affected by this gas jam and become inaficent to shoot correctionly.

Example of use:
Player 1: sitting in a barrock
Player 2: throw rust agent grenade
Player 1 : sit in rust grenade
*longer you stay greater affected ur gun capaibility
Player 1: run out of rust agent and into clear
Player 2: spots him and scopes
Player1: also spots him but tryes to shoot and gun jams
Player 1: shoots again and gun jams
(Longer stayed more jam but it can fire just not all time)
Player2: kills player 1
Player1 : cries

I think this is fantasitical item that we need. GP would be good or ZP permanent for same price as spop.

What ur thinking about it?

Btw riddle15 gave me idea (he talk about green smoke) and it made me think of smth new :) ty

So ideas? Good? Bad?


  • How about smth new.. Smth no one think of yet or smth that is not in army (as we know of yet)

    How about smoke grenade (gas) which has agent that rusts gun parts as process of oxidation then guns affected by this gas jam and become inaficent to shoot correctionly.

    Example of use:
    Player 1: sitting in a barrock
    Player 2: throw rust agent grenade
    Player 1 : sit in rust grenade
    *longer you stay greater affected ur gun capaibility
    Player 1: run out of rust agent and into clear
    Player 2: spots him and scopes
    Player1: also spots him but tryes to shoot and gun jams
    Player 1: shoots again and gun jams
    (Longer stayed more jam but it can fire just not all time)
    Player2: kills player 1
    Player1 : cries

    I think this is fantasitical item that we need. GP would be good or ZP permanent for same price as spop.

    What ur thinking about it?

    Btw riddle15 gave me idea (he talk about green smoke) and it made me think of smth new :) ty

    So ideas? Good? Bad?

    i see this as a bad idea just dosent seem to be something i would like to see added.

    Nice attempt at an idea -1 from me tho.
  • TL;DR the whole gun jamming thingy + seeing your precious hard earned $$$ weapon getting degrated and turned into dust in your hands (lel I exagerated a bit)...noone will like it.
  • DarkArtZ wrote: »
    i see this as a bad idea just dosent seem to be something i would like to see added.

    Nice attempt at an idea -1 from me tho.

    ty for honest opionion :)
    svanced wrote: »
    TL;DR the whole gun jamming thingy + seeing your precious hard earned $$$ weapon getting degrated and turned into dust in your hands (lel I exagerated a bit)...noone will like it.

    yes but they said this about vip gun and its most popular gun in game.. i also understand that it makes some guns ruined but in the real world whatever advantage you have they use just trying to do similarites ik its not real but it doesnt make it any less fun :)

    BlindNate wrote: »
    rust agent nade? i'm done.
    -1 from me

    ty for following me around only to try mock me but its not working u dont sound any smarter doing this but i wont blame u eaither. ur opinion and i accept that u dont like it but can i ask why "im done" :S are u reporting or trying to ban me? what did i do :mad: i just wanted to add idea that might make people have more fun and compttive
  • ty for honest opionion :)

    yes but they said this about vip gun and its most popular gun in game.. i also understand that it makes some guns ruined but in the real world whatever advantage you have they use just trying to do similarites ik its not real but it doesnt make it any less fun :)

    ty for following me around only to try mock me but its not working u dont sound any smarter doing this but i wont blame u eaither. ur opinion and i accept that u dont like it but can i ask why "im done" :S are u reporting or trying to ban me? what did i do :mad: i just wanted to add idea that might make people have more fun and compttive

    your idea is nowhere near fun. or competitive
  • This is similar to all those other special smoke nade suggestions. It would give too much of an unfair advantage to those who buy it. If it was for GP, everyone would be running around throwing these nades and basically limiting the places you can go.

    Just imagine a situation in S&D where the whole GR team spams the site the c4 is planted on with these nades before attacking, basically rendering the BL team helpless.

    No, thanks.
  • People sometimes should be nicer answering threads and giving their opinion, just saying... It was an idea, if you don't like it say it without being rude or at least try to do so. Anyway, I dont think Z8 would ever do this mate...