The Vote Screen.

[MOD]: If you are a forum moderator and reading this please forward it to the appropriate thread or allow me to repost it elsewhere.

This game has been hacked since its conception. Regardless, I think my suggestion will be more than reasonable and easy to implement with minimal downsides.

The Problem: Most votes typically end up being denied from people who do not care to vote, want the hacker/glitcher/spammer on their team, or are too distracted to vote at all.

The Solution:

-In a game were a vote has been initiated, display a vote screen. Simply tint the background of the game and display the text "VOTE IN PROGRESS" across the entire screen. This will cease all gameplay for the duration of the vote OR until a total time of 20 seconds has been reached.

-The vote screen will show exactly who is being voted on, what their score is, how long they have been in the game, and who initiated the vote.

-Initiate a cutoff point of 20 seconds for people who intentionally delay the vote or do not want to vote. All players that have not voted at this point will be counted as [F12], do not kick.

This will effectively stop everyone's attention on the game and force them to either vote or wait for gameplay to continue. The quicker everyone votes, the quicker they can get back to playing the game.

The Downside:

Voting now carries more weight than before and must be considered differently. Players might attempt to initiate a vote right before they are killed in an attempt to escape or devise a new strategy. Essentially, voting can be considered as a “pause game” button.

Worst Case Scenario:
If everyone in a game attempted to vote (assuming one vote per player, 20 second cutoff) the total time spent waiting could be over 5 minutes.

Please +1 or -1 and support this idea if you want it to happen.


  • obviously -1 simply because having your flow of game interrupted by a vote will only **** off every single person in that room. Plus it's ridiculous.

    and also: next time.
  • svanced wrote: »
    obviously -1 simply because having your flow of game interrupted by a vote will only **** off every single person in that room. Plus it's ridiculous.

    and also: next time.

    You get your “flow of game interrupted” when being shot through the wall and having nothing to do about it.

    And also, next time you say something is ridiculous attempt to explain yourself. It seems you might want to try spending less time on the forum and more time playing the actual game in order to understand anything at all.
  • Seems like you have two suggestions.

    First suggestion: limiting players to 1 vote per game.
    I disagree with this since it's unfair to those of us who use the vote-kick system legitimately.

    Second suggestion: having a "vote screen".
    I disagree with this too since I can imagine how annoying it would be to have the entire game freeze up every time a vote is held.

    If you refer to the main thread made by [GM]Celestine, someone has made a suggestion of "stop making afk votes count as f12". Wouldn't that be a more viable option?
  • -1. In the average game of mutation you'd be likely to spend twice as long looking at a paused game with a vote screen as you would playing. People would circumvent the 1-vote limit the way they do the current limit by quitting and rejoining. "Non-votes" should remain counted as F12's because 99% of the votes started in most modes are not started for legitimate reasons and I shouldn't have to look down at my keyboard and find the F12 button 20 times in a single game to prevent people from being kicked who aren't breaking any rules or otherwise being disruptive.
  • First off, thank you for the helpful replies.

    It seems that the problem is attempting to make a system that works for all modes and to implement it in such a way so that it can't be abused.

    -DualRainbows accurately brought up the idea of changing the default vote of [F12]. People who do not vote will then be excluded from the vote entirely. However, this solution has been suggested for a very long time which is one of the main reasons I didn't bring it up before.

    -Voyager40's main problem is that people often get kicked for very poor reasons (being the ace, personal opinions, kicked at random, etc...). Unfortunately, this can happen in any kick-vote system. People will always try and kick others for the wrong reasons if given the opportunity. However, I disagree with keeping the default vote as [F12]. If someone does not vote then they simply should not be included (for [F11] or [F12]).

    I still think that my original suggestion will help improve the current kick-vote system by forcing players to pay more attention to a vote instead of simply ignoring it and having it end up as just another [F12] vote. Attention will be shifted towards voting and will provide a better quality of vote overall.

    You have to sacrafice a little play time but it would be worth it if hackers started getting kicked more often.
  • You get your “flow of game interrupted” when being shot through the wall and having nothing to do about it.

    And also, next time you say something is ridiculous attempt to explain yourself. It seems you might want to try spending less time on the forum and more time playing the actual game in order to understand anything at all.

    It would be annoying to have your game frozen the moment you were just about to kill someone who's 3 meters in front of you,not to mention being interupted like this several times per match is just nonsense.

    Next time you suggest something make sure it's actually doable and not some nonsense and you might want to do it in the thread made by the GM so ima link it again cuz you cant see the link aparently.
  • svanced wrote: »
    It would be annoying to have your game frozen the moment you were just about to kill someone who's 3 meters in front of you,not to mention being interupted like this several times per match is just nonsense.

    Next time you suggest something make sure it's actually doable and not some nonsense and you might want to do it in the thread made by the GM so ima link it again cuz you cant see the link aparently.

    1) It is "doable". In fact many game modes already involve waiting, i.e dieing in elimination/SND. You can't wait 10 or 20 seconds maximum for a vote? There is a difference between doable and just not doable for you.
    2) There's no point in reposting it again elsewhere.

    What's the point in having a vote at all if most people just ignore it to begin with? People want hackers to get kicked but don't care to vote against them?
  • 1) It is "doable". In fact many game modes already involve waiting, i.e dieing in elimination/SND. You can't wait 10 or 20 seconds maximum for a vote? There is a difference between doable and just not doable for you.
    2) There's no point in reposting it again elsewhere.

    What's the point in having a vote at all if most people just ignore it to begin with? People want hackers to get kicked but don't care to vote against them?

    Dude,get it already,noone's gonna accept to have their game completely frozen for a vote,if you clearly want attention so desperately launch the vote at the end or beggining of the round.

  • -The vote screen will show exactly who is being voted on, what their score is, how long they have been in the game, and who initiated the vote.

    -Initiate a cutoff point of 20 seconds for people who intentionally delay the vote or do not want to vote. All players that have not voted at this point will be counted as [F12], do not kick.

    This will effectively stop everyone's attention on the game and force them to either vote or wait for gameplay to continue. The quicker everyone votes, the quicker they can get back to playing the game.[/color]

    I with U in every word but there is a thing I can't understand it U want to make a screen to see the player voting?! And some times U forget to vote or the time is so small so U can't vote and U need for every 1 voting when U see a hacker in the room U want people to press [F11].
  • HAWK456 wrote: »
    I with U in every word but there is a thing I can't understand it U want to make a screen to see the player voting?! And some times U forget to vote or the time is so small so U can't vote and U need for every 1 voting when U see a hacker in the room U want people to press [F11].

    Yes, the goal is to direct people's attention on the vote instead of the game.

    svanced wrote: »
    Dude,get it already,noone's gonna accept to have their game completely frozen for a vote,if you clearly want attention so desperately launch the vote at the end or beggining of the round.

    It seems you're the one who is desperately seeking attention. You keep coming back even though you've already expressed your opinion earlier. Thanks for the bump though.
  • It seems you're the one who is desperately seeking attention. You keep coming back even though you've already expressed your opinion earlier. Thanks for the bump though.

    Return my words,very smart of you. Call me whenever your idea makes it ingame lmfao. Maybe you'll open your eyes meanwhile.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Return my words,very smart of you. Call me whenever your idea makes it ingame lmfao. Maybe you'll open your eyes meanwhile.

    Thanks again, forum warrior.
  • Humm, the problem it really is the time we have to wait at total... Imagine if there are always new players coming in and start kicking, it would be so much time!