Patch Notes - May 19th


Attention Mercenaries,

Reports have come in from several agents in the field, of a new group of mercenaries that have announced themselves though crushing our forces. This new group, SABLE, are elusive, cunning, deadly, and ruthless in fulfilling their tasks.

They've elected to allow us all to enlist their assistance, however, we doubt that we are the only ones they've extended that offer to.

So, to combat their agents, should they oppose us, we will be releasing the Ultra Silver Set crates.

Check out the patch notes below:

New Weapons

Ultra Silver Set Crate

Scar Light-Pure Silver
The popular Scar Light returns with a polished silver coating, and improved reload and mobility.

This AWM has been given a Black-Silver paint job and polished to shine. It comes with a slightly faster drawing speed, giving it an edge against other AWMs.

New Character

SABLE is a mercenary group with ancestry heralding from the Theives Guild of medieval Europe. They are proficient with firearms and squad tactics, as well as Covert and Black Ops.

*** Patch Notes ***

* Added *
- SABLE character added to Item Shop
- Ultra Silver Set Crate Added to Item Shop
- Scar Light-Pure Silver
- AWM-Platinum

* Fixed *
- Skintone of Black List SAS character's arm modified to match the skin tone of his fingertips
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the AK47 Blue Crystal would not break when the durability gauge was low


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