FFA Overhaul

FFA has been one of my favorite modes in Crossfire since I started playing this game. Next to TDM I have most of my kills in the mode with over 60000 and play it daily. Even though I enjoy this mode and play it daily, there are many things about FFA that could be change/improved to provide better gameplay and overall fairness to each and every player participating.

1. The spawn points: I have been in several situations where there are only 3-4 players on a large FFA map such as Black Widow or New Greece where players upon dieing will spawn in close proximity to another player nearby. This causes several issues one being the person nearby is in danger of being killed while the player spawning has their spawn shield up. This is perhaps the biggest issue with free for all games. People I kill in game will often spawn only a few feet away and have quite an easy time taking revenge kills while I helplessly duck for cover. The player spawning nearby a large group of people will also have to deal with becoming a target out in the open (with spawn points often having no cover). The locations of the spawn points themselves are not the issue, rather the issue is players spawning near each other with proximity not being a factor.

2. The spawn shield: Related to the first issue, spawn shields cause a lot of grief in free for all. I do not suggest taking the spawn shield out completely since this would open up doors for spawn camping and other unfair play. Players who spawn nearby others will be able to kill others whilst having their spawn shield up for a several seconds making it nearly impossible for the other player to survive. If for instance the spawn shield only lasted until the first shot/slash/grenade toss the person the player spawning is shooting at now has a fair chance to respawn. If the spawning player does not fire or attack any other players for a time then the spawn shield should last only several seconds or so, allowing the spawning player to evacuate a location if heavily under fire.

3. Maps/Modes: The 3rd topic I bring up is more of a wish than anything else. Several new FFA maps have been added to the list of choices greatly widening and enriching FFA gameplay. There are several maps that I personally feel would make for an interesting FFA stage such as Desert Storm and Mexico that have a layout that might provide a fresh FFA experience. Head shot mode has also become one of the most popular TDM modes and many people use it to practice their accuracy. Head shot mode is limited to only Ship and Arena. FFA and TDM already share regular, knife, pistol, and sniper modes. If FFA gained a head shot mode compatible map, head shot mode will become more popular and players will get a new way to practice their hardcore head shot gameplay.

I hope these suggestions get some sort of consideration as I personally stand by them and believe they can provide a better experience for old and new players alike and help make Crossfire the best it can be :) - 6 year Crossfire Veteran Rawd
