anyone have this problem
Hi; I would assume this problem is caused by your graphics card. It could be a number of things so try and follow these steps to figure out what the issue is...
1. Try updating your graphics card - On the start menu type device manager and right click on your graphics card and update (If the option is there). If the problem persists try right clicking it again and disabling it momentarily... If the game runs without crashing after disabling it you know the issue is the graphics card.
2. If this helps try making sure you are not overheating... Do you have efficient fans to cool down your computer? You may want to invest in a new fan. It could equally be your power supply. Check your psu and see what wattage it is (If it is under five hundred you may want to purchase a new one).
3. Try running cc cleaner to clean up your pc and free up some ram space. Also close all external applications before running the game.
4. Spyware could also be the culprit. Try running a full system scan of your pc just to double check although I doubt this is the issue.
5. If you can't afford a new fan or psu try running the game on its lowest settings
I hope this helps
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