Ukash is Closing - Redeem Before October 31st, 2015
Attention Mercenaries,
One of our payment providers, Ukash will be closing and they have announced the last day to redeem any UKash vouchers, which is October 31st, 2015. Please remember this date and use any Ukash vouchers before.
If you were regularly using Ukash for recharging ZP, do not worry! You can always purchase ZP through other prepaid cards from Paysafecard, Rixty, Karma Koin, Go Cash, and many other partners! Click Here to visit our deposit page now.
For more information, please visit the Ukash Website.
Thank you for your understanding,
- Z8Games Team
One of our payment providers, Ukash will be closing and they have announced the last day to redeem any UKash vouchers, which is October 31st, 2015. Please remember this date and use any Ukash vouchers before.
If you were regularly using Ukash for recharging ZP, do not worry! You can always purchase ZP through other prepaid cards from Paysafecard, Rixty, Karma Koin, Go Cash, and many other partners! Click Here to visit our deposit page now.
For more information, please visit the Ukash Website.
Thank you for your understanding,
- Z8Games Team
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