Add KDR and W/L reset to the main page



[I'm posting this as a new suggestion to be easyly viewable by the GM's]
[*the ZP price is random,IDK how much it used to cost]

You don't have to develop anything new(add those items ingame),just use what you have. It would be like a "mini-mall", only containing these 2 items and no bonus points. Just a small web interface to draw ZP from your account and get the item fast and easy..

I searched the wikia to see if other versions have this as an ingame item and they dont,presumly it really is purchaseable only on a website.The only place where I saw this is on CF EU's page and as I read from GM's and Mod's posts here that we were the only version who had that fully functional web mall with all the goodies)

tl:dr This is NOT the return of the Mall.
