I'm ready.

I just got my 144hz monitor, and it has changed my life. When describing my current form, the term 'unstoppable' comes to mind.

Getting burnt out from pugging cs:go, ready to make a comeback.

I get most of you don't like me, to be fair, I didn't like most of you. If anyones trying make a solid team, or looking for a good 5th and is willing to let the past be the past, hmu.

I don't really sit in game, so unless you catch me pubbing, you probably won't be able to contact me that way. I'm always on steam (apfund - steamcommunity.com/chubrub) and i'll check my private messages on here periodically.

I'm able to go to w/e these LANs are coming up, but its not a stipulation for me to join your team.

tl;dr - Motivated to play. Not holding grudges. HMU.
