Looking for a Serious Scrim Clan


I've been on an off and on clan search for the past few months, and I just haven't had much luck finding a clan that could replace the previous clan I was in. I've was with charon which was fun, but not as competive as I hoped, and my stint as a clan owner failed epically.

Basically I am looking for a clan thats like this
-Has a decent amount of members (40+)
-Uses Ventrilo, but does not require a mic (mine broke rest in peace mic)
-Uses other forms of communication (Xfire, MSN, etc.)
-Scrims 24/7, does well, and uses strats (so important)
-Has a sense of humor
-Pubs together to avoid getting kicked (its helpful to have a clan member backing you up with the hackusations come)
-Is respectful of other clans (this rules out the top 2 clans, and a lot more)

Now Some Info About Me
KDR: 1.81
Main Gun: M4
Strengths: Can play a variety of game types and maps, listens to strats, very active
Weaknesses: I'm pretty young (14) but mature, so this may throw some people off.

Xfire: Braveslb, contact me on xfire if you need me to tryout...

Looking forward to some offers!

