[C]lutcH looking 4 scrim. players

As of right now we have kicked quite a few players due to their umm
how you say "playing" ? I guess that works. Now in all honesty we've had a lot of good and a lot of bad unwanted attention which isn't always terrible because after it's publicity T.T Back to the point,
We are trying to make our clan the best that it can be, as with ALL clans of course, BUT our main goal is to be a SCRIM clan. we've not much interest in pubs although we do play them of course. But we're trying to get moved up into at least the top ten scrim clans list ^^
Hard wrk. of course but it CAN be done. As of right now we've got quite a few skilled players, as with a few others who aren't as skilled
that's why they aren't in our scrim team. We are looking 4 ppl. who are good as an assault man no sniper's needed. If you want to be in a clan that loves to scrim & takes them serious keep us in mind.
I'll give the links to both our z8 forums & our own forums pg.'s

Our Z8 pg.

Our clan forums
thx. to all that are interested in our clan